Aurora PT. 2

751 18 2

We are beamed on board with our orange space suits. "We should be right outside the bridge." Sheppard informs us.

We find a door and open it, where we find the bridge and the view screen is broken and the wide, dark, deep of space is there.

"You mean what used to be the bridge." Ronon remarks.

Teyla calls our attention to a room with a bunch of pods with people inside them.

"Stasis pods. They're still powered up." I say while I examine. 

"Stasis?" Ronon asks. 

"We found a similar pod in Atlantis. It keep a person alive for many years in a type of frozen hibernation." Teyla explains.

"Yeah, if you call that living." 

"This one's uniform is different from the others. Maybe the captain?" McKay observes.

"Or the maitre d'." Sheppard jokes.

"Life-sign indicators are active. These capsules must have some kind of shielding. That's why we couldn't pick them up in the Daedalus." I notice.

As we look up we realize there are more levels of these stasis pods. So we decide for Rodney and I to get life support back online.

Once we do Ronon and I go searching the other decks. 

"Looking at all these people, and not being able to wake them is kind of depressing."

"Yeah, but they're not living." 

"True but the scans of their brains that I glanced at looks like they are like dreaming or something. So they're imagining a life for themselves."


"Ali, have you and Ronon found more of the pods?" 

"Yeah, a crap ton. And that's not all the decks yet."

"Are any of the pods empty?"

"A few." 


"Meet us at one." I say, then Ronon and I turned around toward the empty pod. "He drives me crazy sometimes."


"Are you sure this is such a good idea?" Sheppard asks McKay.

"What's the matter, Colonel? Don't trust me?" 

"No." John and I answer in sync. 

"Fine." He grunts.

"So you think that their communicating with each other? And you can tap into that."

He nods in answer as Caldwell asks a question. "You're proposing actually freezing yourseld in one of those things?"

"I should be able to tap into the neural network without actually initializing stasis." McKay starts. "It won't take long. I'll be in and out."

Sheppard and I both give the Doctor a look of doubt.

"Look, the quickest way to figure out what is going on in there is to tap into the system and communicate directly with the Captain. Need I remind you of the obvious value in this?" He reasons.

"But is it safe?" Teyla asks concerned. 

"Would I be volunteering to go if it wasn't?" 

"No." Ronon answers simply. 

John speaks up. "Which is exactly what makes it safe enough for me to go." 

"What?" Rod questions flabbergasted by the prospect.

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