Trinity PT.3

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We go back to Atlantis and discuss with Weir what we found.

"So it's a military research facility?" Weir asks John.

"From what we can tell, it's a ground-based version of the satellite weapon we used to destroy that hive ship."  John answers.

I jump in. "With one major exception! Firepower. If that single outpost is responsible for destroying an entire Wraith fleet..."

"And your sure it was this weapon that destroyed all those Wraith ships?" Elizabeth questions.

"It has to be, there's nothing on the planet that suggests the Dorandans had anything capable of inflicting anywhere near that much damage." Sheppard explains.

"If we could learn of such technology, we could defend other worlds from being culled." Teyla suggests. 

Ronon very flatly adds, "It didn't save the Dorandans."

"Yeah, but at the end of the day, the outpost was still standing and that means..." Rodney tries to justify, but looks to me when he hits a wall, but I can't help him so I just shrug me shoulders. "Well, I'm not sure what that means, but it definitely means there is something worth finding out." 

Pausing for a moment the leader of our outpost looks to the Colonel, asking his opinion. 

"He's right. It's definitely worth sending a research team back. "

"Good!" Rodney exclaims. "Well, give me Optican and Collins, and Zelenka, if he's over the stomach flu. We'll try to access the computer's logbooks, see if we can decipher them, oh and I need Ali too..."

"Okay. Okay, easy sell. Go." Weir tells the man.

"Oh Good!" Rodney yells, before grabbing my arm and pulling me to get what we need.


I had just finished packing for our trip to find out what's happening when I see Ronon and Teyla talking so I run up and decide to say Hi. 

"Hey guys!" 

"Hello, Allison." Teyla greets.

"Hey Ali." Ronon says, which makes me perk up, because I said my friends call me that. "Me and Teyla are going off world." 

"Oh that sounds nice. Sometimes, I wish that I went off world for more than just missions."

"We were just talking about the same thing." Teyla states. "If you want, you can join us if Rodney will let you go." 

"I've noticed that too. How come he's so attached to you?" Ronon asks. 

"He knew me as a kid at SG-1. And although he was a jerk, and had a huge crush on Sam. I didn't mind him especially when the three of us would work in the lab, and he would help me with certain concepts of science, and physics." I explain.

Before they could respond Rodney contacts me on my radio. "Speak of the devil." I joke. "Yes?"

"I'm headed to the Jumper bay right now I'll see you there. "

"Okay, leaving now." I respond to the lead scientist. "Okay guys, I'll see if I can catch up with you sometime." 

"Bye!" They both say as I run toward my destination. 

Fighting Passions - Ronon Dex - Stargate AtlantisWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt