Conversion PT.7

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A/N: Should I change the way I name my chapters so they aren't just after the part of the episode, and create unique chapter names, or would you guys like me to stick to the way I name them. Let me know! Thanks, Love you guys! Also is there anything special you want me to do for chapters or the book in general I am open for suggestions. 


We all gather inside the control room looking at where Sheppard is. 

"Okay we got a lock on him." McKay states.

"That can't be him. It's moving too fast." Caldwell says in disbelief.

"It's him." Ronon confirms, no doubt thinking back to this morning. 

Caldwell then starts moving into action. "All right, four teams. Surround him and close in. I want him stopped and use whatever level of force you deem necessary."

I stop at his last words. 

"You will only use such force as a last resort." Weir corrects.

"That's not Sheppard anymore, ma'am."

"You heard the woman, Sir." I speak up, and then walk away only turning around to get Teyla.

We are in a corridor searching for our friend when the Colonel calls over the radio. "Bravo team, you're on deck. Our tango is on the floor right below you." 

"You guys heard the man. Sheppard is down the stairs."

Ronon goes in another direction.

"Where are you going?" Teyla calls out.

"It's okay, he hopefully has a plan." I reassure, then I lead us down the stairs.

"Stay Sharp. He should be right there with you."

We don't see him anywhere so I ask if any one else does. 

"Above us!" 

All the sudden he drops down on top of us taking two members of the team down, while others try stunning him but it doesn't take effect. I run at him but he's faster now and manages to evade my attack, but I manage to land a kick at his knee. In response he grabs me by the vest and smashes me to the ground twice, the last one knocking me out.


When I come to I am in the infirmary with Ronon at my side. "Please tell me I'm not infected now too." 

A chuckle comes out. "No, but you have a slight concussion so they want you in here." 

"So you came to break me out?" I ask hopefully. 


"Where's Carson?" 

"I'll find him."

I am only alone for a short while when The Satedan and the Doctor are back.

"What do you need, lass?"

"Please let me out, I won't go far, and Ronon will look over me." I beg.

Beckett is a quiet for a long time, thinking over my request. "Fine, no need for more people to be in here. Go." 

I jump out of the bed. "Thanks doc!"

"Let's get you the pain medication, even if you feel you don't need it."

After getting everything I needed, and changed the two of us go to the mess hall with the rest of the team. We stay together, Rodney and I are eating when Weir walks in.

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