Sateda PT. 2

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When we reach Atlantis, the three of us are pissed and ready to save Ronon.

"Someone get us some vests and guns."

"Colonel. Major. Teyla."


"We were just about to come to get you guys. Where's Ronon?"

Someone hands Teyla and me the vests and guns. 

"He's still back there. Did McKay get through okay?" 

"Yeah, he's gonna be fine. What happened?" Weir questions.

Teyla answers. "Ronon bargained for our freedom." 

"By threatening to take his own life. We're getting him back." 

She takes us seriously, "Dial the gate!"

"It took us fifteen minutes to get to the gate." 

"The place could be crawling with Wraith by now." 

"Let's go." 

We finally reached the village, but it was destroyed. "Damn it! We were gone for maybe half an hour!" 

"It doesn't take long," Teyla says with a deep sigh, and finds the leader's body. "As we suspected, the deal did not go as planned." 

The major comes to us. "There's a few dozen bodies here, at most."

"The rest were culled," Teyla observes.

"We found these." 

Then he hands me Ronon's gun and holster, and I look around for any sign of where he could be.

Sheppard puts his hand on my shoulder. "We'll get him back. Promise." 

We're in the conference room trying to figure out a way to get him back. 

"He's alive." Sheppard states."

"Don't get me wrong, I hope he is, but how can you be certain?" 

Teyla adds, "They made a sport out of trying to kill him in the past." 

"And he's probably the only one that ever got free, they won't let that go, they'll make him run again. And we all know him, he's not going down easy." 

"But they must know how dangerous he can be." Elizabeth starts. "It's not like they're going to give him a fair chance." 

Sheppard nods. "Well obviously, we don't have much time." 

"How do we find him?"

"If the Wraith place a tracking device in him the way they did last time..." Teyla turns to Sheppard, and he looks at me, then we both look at McKay.

"Rod, do you think we could pick up a signal?"

"Of course. If it sounds like it might be impossible, you look at me." 

"We still have the tracking device we took out of him." 

"I might be able to tun the long-range sensors to pick him up." 


"Yeah, but..." He starts. "We are still assuming that the Wraith actually put another one in him."

"Right now, I'll take whatever we can get." 

Rodney and I are in his lab - on the floor, him laying on his stomach and me sitting, when Sheppard walks in looking down at us. 

"You know, you really don't appreciate the simple things in life, like, uh... sitting." 

John sits next to us on the floor. "I don't envy you. It must be a real pain in the ass." 

Rodney groans, annoyed. "How long did you work on that?" 

"Longer than I care to admit. How's it coming?" 

"I think I'm almost there." 

"Is this thing active?"

"Oh don't worry about it. We limited the power, so it won't transmit our location to the Wraith. Just needed enough power to figure out the frequency it uses." I answer. "All Rodney needs to do, is to re-calibrate the city's sensors to pick it up." 

"Yeah, but, these sensors only cover a small corner of the galaxy."

"Unless they're calibrated to pick up a signal being transmitted using subspace. How about I leave the bad jokes to you, and you leave the brilliant science stuff to me?" 

"Ignore him."

"These dots represent transmitters broadcasting from various locations in the Pegasus Galaxy." 

"So there are... seven runners out there right now?"

I point to one of the dots. "This one is Ronon." 

"Why? How do you know?" 

"It's Sateda, and if the Wraith are as bad and as cruel as we know that they are, they would take him to his destroyed home."

"That's a good enough place to start." And we both stand, ready to head out.

Our team is all together, along with Weir, Caldwell, and Beckett.

"We have no choice. We've been unable to dial into Sateda's Stargate." Weir informs us all. 

"The Wraith likely disabled it." 

"Which means if the Wraith are hunting Ronon, there's a very good chance that there's a hive in orbit. I shouldn't have to remind you the Daedalus has not done well in its last few engagements with Wraith hive ships." 

"We drop out of hyperspace; we beam him on board, and we get out of there." McKay suggests.

"You know damn well we can't come out of hyperspace and get close enough to a planet to beam someone off the surface. We'll be detected!" Caldwell berates. "Look, you know I want to help, but I will not put my crew and the only ship that we have in this galaxy at risk for one man." 

I'm fuming at this point, but so is Sheppard and he's the first to say something. "One man who isn't a member of the US military." 

"I didn't say that!" 

I speak up this time. "Ronon is a member of this team! A friend! And he deserves to be treated and rescued just like everyone else! Colonel!" 

"We don't leave our people out there, Colonel, not if there's any chance." Weir backs us up.

"Don't... preach to me about leaving people behind, Doctor Weir." He sighs. "I'm just saying it's a very bad risk/reward situation." 

"Fine. Then just get us close." Sheppard starts. "We'll take a cloaked jumper the rest of the way." 

"I'll go with them. Remove the tracking device before we get back on board." 

"We'll be in and out. Wraith won't even know, hopefully." I say, calmly. 

"I won't bail you out if you get in trouble." 

"You say that as if we're always getting in trouble."

I sit on the floor in an empty room on the Daedalus, waiting for us to reach Sateda when John walks in.  

"I've been looking for you." He sits next to me. 

"You found me." 

"We'll find him." 

I shake my head. "It's not that. Before this, all happened, after Lucius... Ronon has been avoiding me. I can't even figure it out, what did I do..."

"Stop." He orders. "Look, according to Teyla I'm not good at feelings." 

"Then maybe I should talk to Teyla." 

"But... neither is Ronon. If I'm guessing he feels bad for threatening your life."

"That wasn't his fault." 

"He remembers, that's all that matters."

I bury my head in my hands. "That's so dumb."

"Tell him that when we get him back." 

Fighting Passions - Ronon Dex - Stargate AtlantisWhere stories live. Discover now