Irresistible PT.2

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We walk with Weir through the corridors of Atlantis. 

"I think the word we're looking for is...uh..."

"Obnoxious? Unctuous?" McKay interrupts Sheppard. 

"Presumptuous? Sexist? Childish?" I add. 

"Well, any of those works."

"Then again, the townspeople seem to love him, so maybe there's something to his medicines," McKay observes. 

"Sounds like a snake oil salesman to me, but... might be worth having Beckett check it out." 

"Well, I'm sure Carson will be able to get us an answer pretty quickly." She turns back to face us. "So, it's  back out to scout for gates?"

"Yes!" Rodney says clearly excited. "Right away." 

"It's not a race, Rodney," Sheppard calls out, but it's too late. 


"I'm exhausted, McKay is going crazy about the gates, he's so worried we're not going to meet his quota."

Ronon shoots me a curious look. "I thought you wanted to get this bridge done too." 

"I do! I want to help Sam with this thing. But, Rod wants to impress her so, so bad." I laugh. "It would be cute if it wasn't so obsessive." 

He nods. "What about seeing your family?" 

"I do miss them and Earth, but, you guys are my family too. Plus, I've come to think of Atlantis as home now." 

A small smile, the rare one that only appears when he's truly happy appears on his face, it's the one that makes me feel that despite everything that he's been through he's actually happy being here. "Good." 


The peace doesn't last, unfortunately, when Beckett seemingly just as blindly in love with him as the rest of his village, brings Lucius to Atlantis. So, since he's an unknown, untrusted contact, we put him in one of the isolation rooms where we can watch him.

"I can't believe you brought him here without permission!" Weir tells Carson. 

"I didn't think you'd mind."

"You didn't think I'd mind?!?" She repeats back. "You know the protocols! You even helped come up with them." 

"There's so much he can offer us." 

"Is this the same guy who said he could cure my cold in a week?"

"Or the same guy who talked about my body?"

At our statements McKay turns around with his arms crossed, listening intently. 

"I know my business, Colonel Sheppard, Major O'Neill. He happens to have created several medicines that are quite remarkable."

"Really? That guy?" Weir asks, just as lost as the rest of us.

"Aye. He also possesses many valuable herbs and spices... and gourds." Beckett states proudly, like a mother praising her incompetent son. 

"Did you just say gourds?" 

"Yes, Rodney, gourds!" He exclaims loudly, "We don't lnow everything, despite what you may think. He could be prove to be a very powerful ally. He's a very wise and kind man." Carson grins like a lovesick puppy, after his little rant. 

We all stare at him, but Elizabeth is the first to say anything about it. "Are you feeling alright?'

"What do you mean?" 

Fighting Passions - Ronon Dex - Stargate AtlantisWhere stories live. Discover now