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The experiment with the retrovirus was way underway, and Ronon and I hadn't really been apart a lot. The fact that we were practically the only ones unwilling to be a part of it, other than him practically sacrificing himself for me, had drawn us even closer, and beyond that, our team was quite busy with this 'Michael' so we had a lot of free time. We did what we usually do, spar, eat, talk (mostly about missions or me, he doesn't always open up), and read in our little hiding spot but today was different, I'm jumpy and Ronon notices.

"What's wrong?" 


"You barely ate, you couldn't focus on reading, and you've missed more hits on me than you've made. What's wrong?" 

"You're really observant. Did you know that?" 

"Yeah. Answer the question."

I sigh. "And persistent. I don't know, but knowing he's up and about, it's bothering me. This wraith. I'm not really one to judge someone for what their species is like, but I have this awful feeling like something is wrong or going to go wrong. Look, I know everyone thinks this is about my past, and maybe it is, but that's not it." I sit down, and he follows suit. "I feel like we're making a bad decision. The wraith think we're dead, but we're not, and aren't we just letting them in. And beyond that, it's the moral question, where do we draw the line. Why do we take it upon ourselves to play God? Trust me, I've met some Gods, kinda." I breathe again. "Am I wrong?" 


"Ronon, hun. I'm going to need a little more than that." 

"You're not wrong." He's silent for a little. "A Wraith is a Wraith, nothing will change that." 

"Look, I think Carson is amazing, he's a great friend. But, I don't understand why we're making them human, why not try to make them eat human food." I sigh. "But that will require immoral testing. Either way, we're fucked." 

At that Ronon laughs a hearty laugh. "Yeah, we are." Let's go." 

"Yeah, I'm hungry now." 


The next day, Ronon and I are following our same routine and we're going back to the gym and we see 'Michael' pinning Teyla down with his palm to her chest, it looks like he's feeding on her. All of a sudden, Ronon is no longer by my side and is grabbing him and he roars angrily as he slams him to the wall and holds the Wraith/human by the throat. "Keep your hands off her!" 

Teyla gets up as quickly as she can. "Ronon! We were sparring as part of his physical therapy. Let him go." 

Ronon won't let go and he's strangling 'Michael' hate burning in his eyes. 

I walk up. "Ronon, let him go." Putting a hand on one of his arms. 

He drops him with no warning and walks off, and I quickly follow him, but he's fast. "Ronon! Slow down." But he shows no signs of slowing until we make it to his quarters. He walks in, he leaves the door open for me but I can tell he's agitated. 

"Son of a bitch! You're fast." I take a deep breath and sit on his bed next to him. "Talk to me." 

"About what?" 

"What just happened for starters."

"What about it? He was Wraith, I'm doing what I always do." 

I nod. "I just didn't think you would go that far. I thought... I don't know what I thought actually." I want to reach out to him, normally I wouldn't but I think we've gotten far enough in our friendship that he's semi-comfortable with a hug. So, I put my hand on his. "I'm sorry."

Fighting Passions - Ronon Dex - Stargate AtlantisWhere stories live. Discover now