Instinct PT. 3

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"Ronon." I say firmly.

He looks at me, "What?"

"Did you have to do that?" 

"You can dress her up and teach her table manners, but that's not going to change who she is." The Satedan claims.

"Maybe you're right. But that doesn't mean that we can explode, and threaten her life!" I start. "Next time, just say no even if she pushes it, I know it's hard for you with everything that you went through. Just remember if you are having a hard time dealing with her just walk away, or come talk to me."

Ronon takes a deep breath in. "Okay, I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I want to hug him so bad but that's not how he is, maybe one day, or somehow, but not yet. Instead I squeeze his arm which is huge, and walk out the room to get Beckett and Teyla. 

"John is on his way. There was another victim."

"Guess we know it wasn't her." I say. "But now we need to send a team out to search for this second Wraith." 

"Go tell Ronon." Teyla instructs. "I will wait here." 

I walk inside and inform the former runner of our new situation. 

"So, there's more?" He asks.

"Looks like it." 

He nods. "Then let's go." 

With that Ronon grabs my hand to lead me out so we can find the loose Wraith. "Ronon, wait."

"Why? There is a Wraith who needs to die out there, that is killing people." The Satedan man questions angrily. 

"I know, but we should wait for Sheppard, he may have insight from the village that we don't have yet. Maybe, it could help us track it down." I say reasoning with him.

"Okay, Ali. We'll wait, but as soon as I get the go ahead, we're going to find him, and kill him." 

"Of that, I have no doubts." 


Sheppard has returned, and Beckett and myself still can't make heads or tails of this serum that Zaddick has made. In the meantime, Teyla is trying to get Ellia to help her find the Wraith who is actually feeding on people.

"So, Beckett tell me." I start. "Do you think that this serum really works?"

The doctor thinks for a moment. "I don't know yet. If it does that's amazing and we may have found a solution to the war with the Wraith. If not, it means that Ellia may be keeping some sort of secret." He whispers the last part, careful that no one but myself could hear his ruminations.

"Thanks, doc."

"No problem, Alison."

Soon, Teyla comes out of the room she was in with Ellia, and asks, "Zaddick? Is there a river nearby?"

"Yes, just to the east." He answers.

I nod, and walk out with Ronon, who I can tell that he is ready to take down this Wraith. 

We walk in silence, trying to listen for any rustling, or something that may tell us where the other Wraith could be. Eventually, we reach the river.

"This must be the river she saw in her vision." Teyla informs.

"Assuming she's telling the truth. Just because there's another Wraith doesn't necessarily mean that you can trust her." John advises. 

Ronon see's tracks in the sand, and I bend down to look at them.

"What do you got?" Sheppard asks us.

"Fresh tracks. It's him."

"Now do you believe?" Teyla asks

"I still think there's something more to this than she and Zaddick are telling us." The raven haired colonel explains.

I nod in agreement. "I have that feeling too. 

Not adding to the conversation Ronon points out the direction in which the Wraith went, and we follow. 


"Sheppard this is McKay." 

"What is it Rodney?"

"The villagers are on the move, and it doesn't look like they're going to a picnic." He explains.

We all share a look. "Rod, are they heading for the caves?" I ask.

"Not at the moment, no."

Me and John nod at each other in understanding. "All right. Get back there and sit tight." The colonel orders.

"We're losing time you guys." I say and we continue our search.

That's until Beckett radio's us with some bad news.

"Ellia's gone, and she's injected herself with the retrovirus." 


Fighting Passions - Ronon Dex - Stargate AtlantisWhere stories live. Discover now