Wraith and Ford PT. 3

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The question weighs heavily on my heart as I look between my two friends. I grab Ronon's hand and look straight into his eyes. "I won't let it." 

Just as the words leave my mouth three Wraith come to our cell and the Satedan stands and looks back to the Kanayo as the leader of the pack does.

"One less for you to feed on?"

I stand to my feet and run in front of him as soon as I see the guard raising his stunner. The shot hits me in the gut and causes me to crumple to the floor and into Ronon. The suffering man holds me onto his lap as a groan in pain. 

I can see that Teyla is the only one still standing as the Wraith drag Kanayo's lifeless body out of the cell.

"Thank you," Ronon whispers as he continues to clutch his arm.

As I lay on his legs I can feel the shivers running through his whole body, but the warmth radiating from him along with the sweat is just further indicating that he can make a recovery, I just have to be careful.  I sit up and move off of him with all my strength. "You're welcome. A stun would have hindered your recovery, and you're in enough pain as it is."

"Let me help you stand." Teyla says, but I put a hand up and stand by myself. 

"No, I need you two to sit, and try and rest it's the only way the pain will go away. I'll check your vitals every 10 minutes." 

They both nod as the Ithosian woman sits next to Ronon on the wall, and I take the bench and keep a watchful eye on the two.


A bit later after a few vitals check, I make Teyla move to the bench so she can lay down, and I give her my jacket to use as a pillow, I decided to sit next to Ronon on the floor.

"You should rest too." He mumbles not shaking as bad.

"I'll rest when you two are better." 

"We are doing better so just try and rest."

A yawn escapes my mouth in answer, so I just nod and close my eyes.

When I wake up, I find that my head was resting against Ronon's shoulder and Teyla is awake. "Hey, how're you feeling?" 

"Better." And it shows, she isn't as agitated this time and she seems to be sweating a lot less.

I look to Ronon, and he's showing the same signs. Raising a finger to his neck I take his pulse and see that his heart isn't racing like it was before. He looks at me with a furrowed brow. "How am I doing?" 

"A lot better. Teyla, let me check you too. How are you feeling Ronon?"

"Ready to get out of here." He answers as I take Teyla's pulse. 

I remove my hand from her neck. "Have you had any luck finding a way to escape?" She asks the two of us.

"I think our only chance is to try to create a diversion, try to overpower them the next time they come in here." 

I sit next to Teyla and she sees the look on my face. "What is bothering you?"

"Aiden. If his withdrawal is as bad as Kanayo's..." I trail off.

Ronon stands and leans to look into my eyes. "If it distracts you, clear your mind of it. If it fuels your anger," He pauses with a slight smirk, "use it."

I nod and take his advice, trying to devise a way to get out of this cell, rescue our friends, and make it back to Atlantis. 


We've been sitting in the cell for what feels like days, trying to find new ways to do everything on our to-do list, but no matter what we do we come up short. 

I groan hitting the wall with the palm of my hand. "This is ridiculous." But that's when I hear the alarm go off. 

Ronon looks to me. "Get ready."

"Born that way." 

As I look down the corner I see John running towards us, causing all three of us to smile at both the Colonel and each other. "How 'bout I bust you guys out of here?"

"If you don't mind," Ronon replies.

John turns around and fires the Satedan blaster into the control panel opening the cell. Before he returns the awesome gun to its rightful owner he remarks. "I've gotta get myself one of these."

"Where's Kanayo?"

"He's dead, couldn't recover. Where's Aiden?" 

"Well, last I saw he was alive, I'm stickin' with that." He hands me my sword, and we go running down the corridor. 

We finally reach the Dart bay, but most of them are taking off.

"The culling is beginning," Teyla observes.

"We gotta stop them," I say turning to my commanding officer. 

"How?" Ronon asks.

Sheppard thinks for a moment. "Stay here. When I give you my signal, get out in the open." 

We wait for a while so we sneak up to the entrance. Most of the Darts fly in one specific direction but there is one that does a loop, and comes back to the walkway. 

"Is that his signal?" Teyla questions.

"God, I hope so." 

We go to the walkway as we were told, and get transported in.


We dial the gate to Atlantis from the planet and when we walk in, Elizabeth is there waiting for us. 

"Sorry, we're late." Sheppard smiles.

Carson rushes us to the infirmary, and checks on me after he checks on the two who had taken the enzyme.

"You took a lot of Stuns, but you should be fine. But let's get you stitched up, and then you can go." 

The stitches go quickly and I finally get a chance to sit up when Rodney rushes in. "Why aren't you dead?" 

"I missed you too Rod," I say 

"No, no, I mean... you know what I mean. Why aren't you dead?"

"Well, I knew when the hives started to shoot at each other, it was a matter of time before they blew each other up, so I went to the space gate and dialed an address where I could land safely. I didn't think the Dart could fit in our gate room." Sheppard answer.

"The Colonel was kind enough to make us whole again, and we returned home," Teyla adds.

Caldwell speaks up. "I'm curious, Sheppard. How did you know the Wraith would fight each other?"

"A little intel from Ford in the game, plus I kinda goosed things along with the Queen." 

"From what I learned, it seems like the Wraith are more territorial than we first thought. Tensions are building." I add. 

"Which is good  for us." Ronon states.

"Certainly is. It also opens a brand new strategy in fighting them." Lizzie observes, looking to Colonel Caldwell.

"And where's Ford?" McKay asks.

Teyla answers. "He was aboard the hive ship when it was destroyed."

"He was last seen aboard the hive ship." Sheppard corrects.

"What does that mean?" 

"Well, you know Ford. I wouldn't be surprised if we run into him again.

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