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I hope everyone is doing okay, staying safe and this is for you guys! I love you all!


"How are you doing?" I ask.

Teyla sighs. "Better. Though, I do still miss her."

"I'm sorry. I know Charin meant a lot to you, wish I was there for you." 

"You were saving the city from The Trust, and ever since you have been checking on me every day." 

I smile. "You're my friend Teyla! I know what it's like to lose someone who's close to you." 

"Who was it?"

"Technically, he's no longer dead, so I'm lucky on that front. But Daniel Jackson died and he's my family so it was terrible losing him." 

"I'm sure it was... How did you cope?"

"I had family and friends to rely on, and we helped each other." I pause, "I hope you know you can lean on any one of us."

Before Teyla can respond I'm being called too from the radio by Zelanka. "Major O'Neil." 


"We've lost contact with McKay, and he crashed into the ocean." 

"I'll be right there!" I practically shout as I stand.

"Sorry Teyla, Rodney's in trouble." 

"Go. I'm sure he'll be fine." 

I go running out from her room and I run into a man built like a brick wall. "Hey, you okay?"

"No, McKay may be hurt, and I have to help him." 

Ronon grabs my arm. "Calm down, or you won't be of any help. I'll walk you there." 

I nod, unable to answer and he leads me to the control room, where Radek is sitting. "I can't raise them." 

I sit next to him. "Jumper 6, are you there, please respond." 

We try back and forth for an hour, Weir, John, Teyla, and Ronon have all checked on us repeatedly to find out if we made any progress, and we begin to lose hope. "Rod please respond." 

"Yeah, we're here." We finally get a response. 

"Rodney! Thank God! We thought you... Ali and I have been trying to get ahold of you for over an hour." 

I wave down a Technician. "Tell Weir and Sheppard we've made contact with Dr. McKay." I talk to Rodney, "How are you feeling?" 

"I think we could both use an extended stay in the infirmary. What the hell happened?" 

Zelanka answers the question. "The jumper you were flying dropped off our screens. It crashed into the ocean." 

"Yes, yes, yes we..." There's a pause. "We're underwater." I can tell he's worried.

"Yeah, you're underwater," I affirm. 

"Then how are you gonna find us?"

"We've determined the direction of your radio signal, but not the range." Zelanka answers. 

There's a minute before Rodney talks again but when he does he gives us a bit of info. "You two are going to have to hurry it up. We're already twelve hundred feet deep and sinking at a rate of 20 feet a minute." 

"Very impressive!" Radek exclaims. 

"Excuse me?" 

"Rod, we have theorized that the jumpers could be utilized as submersibles, this is good to know."

Fighting Passions - Ronon Dex - Stargate AtlantisWhere stories live. Discover now