Inferno PT. 2

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A/N - This is genuinely one of my favorite episodes. Also sorry it's short but I have some stuff to do today so I was fitting in writing. Hope you enjoy it, and happy reading!

McKay, Norina, and I are all still working when a massive tremor rocks us and causes damage. Shortly the chancellor and Doctor Weir run in.

"Is everyone alright?" 

John is tending to a tech, "Nasty cut on his forehead."

"Reports of the wounded are coming in from the settlement," Norina adds.

"I'll call Beckett," Elizabeth starts, "get him up here." 

"You'd better make it quick. The last tremor opened a hydrothermal vent in the base. The ground is eroding beneath us." 

"Chancellor, you need to get your people off the planet," I advise once again. 

"They can come to Atlantis. They'll be safe there." Weir offers, but the Lycus doesn't seem sure. "If we didn't answer your call for help, this would still be happening." 

Even Norina steps in, "Chancellor, please listen to them."

"Alert the settlement. Tell our people to gather only their most precious possessions and come here as quickly as possible. We'll begin evacuating immediately." 


Beckett soon arrives with Teyla and Ronon as we all are scrambling to get everything together as people are ready to go through the stargate to Atlantis. 


McKay points to the injured tech on the steps. "Right here."

As the people start to flow through the gate the facility begins to shake with another tremor but this time the lava begins to come out of the ground around the stargate. "Sheppard! Get everyone back inside." Then I call Atlantis. "This is Major O'Neill! Raise the shield! I repeat raise the shield!"  The earthquake continues and the gate falls and it sinks as it is destroyed by the magma. "We just lost the Stargate!" 

Sheppard, Teyla and Ronon come running in. "What the hell happened?" 

"The Stargate..." Beckett starts, "It was swallowed up by the magma." 

"We are so screwed!" McKay states.

"You mean we're stuck here?" Ronon asks looking at me. 

"If we have no way of contacting Atlantis..." Teyla muses. 

"In the words of McKay, we are totally screwed." 

"Alright, hang on. Let's not panic." John tries to wrangle us back in, but it's not working. 

"This place has no direct subspace communication," I add to the list of bad design choices.

"Will you two take it easy? Ali, you're normally the calm one." 

McKay whines. "We're inside a soon-to-be erupting volcano!" 

"Correction." I interrupt. "A soon-to-be erupting supervolcano." 

That gets a chuckle out of Ronon despite our situation, just that, makes me feel better.

"Elizabeth will try to dial us back. When she can't get through... she'll send the Daedalus." 

That seems to pick us all up, but Carson brings up a good point. "What if the volcano erupts before then?" 

"The ship in the hanger!" The colonel exclaims. "Maybe McKay can fix it." 

Irritation is clearly read on Rodney's face. "Oh, Maybe I can fix it! Place the pressure squarely on my shoulders for a change!" 

"Rod, you do seem to do pretty good when there's a high chance of us all dying!" 

He goes to fight me but soon realizes I'm completely right! Then he turns to Norina. "I am actually." And runs right out the room. 


Rodney and I work on getting the power on and once it is everyone begins looking around. 

"I wonder how many more ships like these exist." Teyla wonders, marverling at the design. 

Ronon agrees, but with a bit more of an aggressive edge, "A few more like this, and we can give the Wraith a serious fight." 

McKay is walking around and starting things up and Norina is clung to his side trying to learn everything she can. "Life support should be back up and running in a few minutes." 

"Good. That's good." John comments.

"And I have, discovered the ship's name." He pauses. "It's the Hippaforalkus." 

Stunned I ask. "Come again?!?" 

"Yeah, well, it appears to have been named after an Ancient general, Hippaforalkus." 

"Well, we're not calling it that!" The raven-haired colonel decides. 

"Oh good, then what about..." Rodney starts.

"And we're not calling it the Enterprise either!"

I raise my hand. "How about..." 

"Or the Millenium Falcon. How about we name it later?" 

In sync both Rodney and I say "Fine." 

Ronon comes up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Next time." 

"Whatever it's name." Teyla starts, calling all of our attention. " This ship is large enough to fit many people." 

Ronon nods. "Could fit all the settlement if we had to." 

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