A Spy! PT. 1

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After my meltdown with Ronon, I requested to have a couple of weeks to rest. Elizabeth was more than happy to say yes, and Carson was a bit excited when I told him that I would like to help him with the Retrovirus despite some of my apprehensions. While I was off the team ended up going on a mission where Sheppard "Ascended" and although I helped a little, the team handled it pretty well. 

It's only been the first few days really, and I already feel even more relaxed than I have in a while. 

Sheppard walks up to Zelanka and I as I'm helping understand how to deal with kids.

"Goin' off-world?" The Colonel asks.

"M7G-677" The scientist answers.

"That's the planet with all the kids, right?" 

"Sure is!" 

"They're having trouble with their E.M field generator and McKay has decided that I am the most capable person in all of Atlantis to fix it." 

"Z, I told you, don't worry. They're great kids and you just need to be patient and playful." 

"Ali's right, They're a great group of kids and you'll love them."

"My sister has a child. He breaks things. He throws things. He smears things onto furniture."

Before either of us can respond Rodney shouts from the control room.

"Colonel Sheppard! Major O'Neil! I need you up in the control room."

I nod. "Bye Radek!" 

McKay shouts to the grumpy doctor as I make my way upstairs where Weir, Ronon, Rodney, John, and I look at the long-range sensors showing two ships.

"Two Wraith cruisers." McKay states.

"How far away are they?" Our leader asks.

"A day, maybe a day and a half. I've been tracking them for some time now, but, uh, the good news is it doesn't look like they're heading this way." 

"Just passing through the neighborhood?" The raven-haired man asks. 

"Yeah, it looks that way. But I just discovered something rather curious." He touches the screen and the sensors show energy burst that are being passed between the two, showing they're shooting at each other. "Short but intense energy bursts passing between them."

"They're fighting each other?" Ronon observes.

"In my expert opinion, yes." Rodney gloats.

"That's good for us." I acknowledge.

"Certainly is. If there's any change in course at all, let me know." Lizzie commands. 

We all nod, and walk away.

John catches up with me. "You doing okay?"

"Actually, I am. This break has been helping, and Dr. Heightmeyer believes that it's good for my mental health." 

"I'm sorry that I didn't piece it together, but I'm glad you're okay." 

"Thanks, John." 


I'm outside in my little hiding spot, no one comes to this spot so I use it to have a clear head, or just to read or even write. Today, I'm reading a new book, the Nanny diaries. 

"What are you reading today?" A deep voice asks, startling me.

"Damn Ronon! Give a girl a little warning next time." I chuckle. "And it's called the Nanny diaries, it came it just two years ago."

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