Ford is Back PT. 8

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Ronon pulls out his sword and I follow suit. "Too late. If you want to live, stay behind us." 

Everyone listens to the Satedan's command as we begin to walk off towards some random direction. After a moment we finally run into some guards. Ronon and I are fighting with our blades while the rest are firing bullets at our attackers. I manage to take down my opponents but there is a lot of Wraith, and more to come. 

As we continue to fight, we are being picked off one by one. First is Kanayo, who was covering Teyla's six, and shortly the Athosian is stunned. 

"Keep fighting!" Aiden calls out to us, but his words mean nothing at the moment to those of us giving our all to just survive this outrageous plan. As I continue to fight Ronon runs up and turns me as he kills a Wraith with his gun. 

"Thanks!" I quickly yell, but I see the Wraith beginning to take our people.

The three of us put our backs together, hoping by some miracle that this strategy works out for us.

"Aiden, this isn't going to end well." 

Just as I say this Ford is hit and drags me down with him.I get stunned twice before I lose consciousness and I hear Ronon call my name.


When I finally come too, Ronon is sitting across the from me, and just staring. 

"Are we alive?" I throw out. 

"Ali." The large man walks over to me. "Are you alright?" 

"I'm okay, help me stand." 

With that, he grabs me by the shoulders and practically lifts me up. When I am finally on my feet, I see that John is resting on Teyla still sound asleep. 

Ford grabs my hand just as Ronon releases me. "Are you okay?"

I rip my hand from his grasp. "You don't get to ask me that, not anymore." 

I walk to the door, Ronon right next to me, and we silently watch.

When Sheppard awakes, he lets out a groan.

"Are you all right?" Teyla asks the Colonel.

"We're in a holding cell?"


"On a hive ship."

"That would also be a yes, sir," I answer.

He sits up. "Well, then, no, I'm not doing so good." 

"I can't believe you screwed up." Ford spats as he walks up to the pilot.

"I did what?" Sheppard responds, standing.

"You set off the alarm. You ruined the mission." 

"The Dart went on autopilot the second I got close to the hive. You're lucky I was able to get you out!"

"Well, why would it do that? Why would it go on autopilot?"

"That's what Jumpers do when they gate to Atlantis."

"Well, why didn't you say something?"

I roll my eyes, what did he want John to do, release us in space and tell us, or somehow predict the future.

"Why didn't I say something?" Sheppard says incredulously.

"You want me to fail. You want me to look bad."

Kanayo gets in front of me and Ronon who are trying to get closer. 

"That's right, you snot-nosed brat. I'd put my team's life on the line just to prove you wrong." This time he sounds really angry, but before the argument can go any farther, Ronon hears something.

"We got company." 

I turn around to face the door when A Wraith and some soldiers approach the door.

"Move away." He growls at the Satedan.

"What do you want?" 

The Wraith gives a smile that disturbs me beyond what I can describe. "The one who flew the ship."

"Why don't you start with me?" Ronon volunteers.

The Wraith opens the 'door' and a soldier stuns Ronon. I look up and go to rush the leader of the group but I too am stunned. I fall to the ground next to Ronon. Unable to let anyone else get hurt John steps up. 

As they walk away Teyla helps me to stand, and once I get steady, I grab Ronon.

With Ronon draped over my shoulder and Teyla on his other side, Aiden decides to speak up. "It's all right.  There's always a way out."

"If he dies... you die." Ronon threatens.

Fighting Passions - Ronon Dex - Stargate Atlantisजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें