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Two days have passed since the whole run-in with Aiden and his men and although John believes that he may still be out there, I haven't decided what would be better. On one hand, the man can finally rest and his family can have some kind of closure, but on the other side him being dead isn't the happiest thing that can happen.


"Huh? Sorry, Rod." 

"Are you paying any attention to what I've been trying to teach you?" 

"Do you want my honest answer or not?"

Before he can start lecturing me again Ronon walks in, maybe saving me. "Hey."

"Ronon, what do you need?" I ask as he enters the lab.

"Doc asked me to get you." Is his simple answer.

I nod. "We'll pick this up later. Bye!" 

The two of us leave the room before McKay can get a word out. I turn to the Satedan man curious. "So, why does Carson need me?"

"He says he wants to check on your stitches and see how the bruises are doing?" 

"But why did he send you?" 

"I was going that way for my daily check." 

"Please tell me this an elaborate lie to get me out of the lab, especially since we are not going to the infirmary," I smirk.

"Yeah, I thought you could do with a workout or spar. You've been in the lab with McKay for the past two days."

A laugh escapes my lips, "Yeah, I think he's worried to let me out of his sight. I think he wants to be there to see if I cry about Ford." 

Ronon raises an eyebrow at the mention of Aiden. "Have you cried already?" 

"No. I don't need to," I answer what I believe to be sincerely. 

We make it to the gym and The Satedan doesn't push the subject any further, he doesn't speak at all actually. He picks up a set of sticks and throws them towards me, and then grabs his own set. Ronon sets himself ready to spar, and I follow suit. 

Normally, we wait for one another to make the first move for a while, but today Ronon quickly attacks first. I quickly dodge and go to land a hit but even with his size he lands a hit first taking me by surprise. I block his next attack with ease landing a quick hit to his leg, bringing him to the ground but he swipes at my foot as he goes down. We both quickly recover and I decide to go on the offensive, I unleash a series of attacks and blows that he blocks and sometimes takes. 

The look on Ronon's face looks like a mix of pity, surprise, and even guilt and it confuses me but something inside me just won't let me stop. My attacks are getting sloppy and Ronon takes the opportunity to disarm me, that's when I feel the weight of everything that happened with Ford hit me, the tears on my face, and Ronon's grip on my arms. 

I truly break then. 

--------------------------------------(Third Person POV)-------------------------------

The moment the Satedan noticed the tears beginning to fall down her face as she's sparing with him, he feels guilt, John had asked him to help her get through it all, and even Rodney didn't know what to do so he just took her to the lab. Ronon knew that sparring would help her get out the frustration, he didn't expect her to break. 

One look at his face could tell you that the large man had no idea how to comfort her, but he remembered what he would do in the past. He pulled her into him, and immediately she wrapped her arms around the man's neck. It reminded Ali of when she finally mourned the loss of Daniel when he died (at first), she was sparring with Teal'c and as she did the pieces of her walls began to fall and that was the first time she cried that hard. This was the first time she cried over Aiden in any capacity and the person that is here to help her pick up the pieces is Ronon. 

"He's gone." She sobbed.

Ronon didn't respond he just held her tighter, willing to let her cry with him for the rest of the day if he had too. He had told Sheppard and Teyla to keep everyone out of the sparring room, he may not have known that she would cry but he knew that working out her anger would take a while.

The two warriors stayed on the floor for twenty minutes, and when she finally stopped crying the first words out of her mouth came. "Thank you, Ronon." 

Her voice was hoarse, but he could tell that she felt relief all the pain, and anger she was carrying seemed to be lessened. "You're welcome." 

After their little therapy session as they have grown to call it over the years, an unspoken wall had been brought down.

Fighting Passions - Ronon Dex - Stargate AtlantisWhere stories live. Discover now