Irresistible PT. 3

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I had decided to take a breather after trying to keep an eye on Lucius, the piercing headache was getting unbearable. Of course, Teyla, the best friend anyone can ask for, volunteered to take over for me and join Ronon. The aforementioned man insisted that I go to the infirmary but after enough pushback and realizing I wasn't going to back down, he just let me go. 

But all rest ends, because this is Atlantis and nothing is ever calm. "Allison, come in." 

"Ugh..." I groan. "Yes, John?" 

"Where are you?"

"In my room. My head was killing me." 

"Did you leave before Lucius got his fan club?" 

"Last time I checked everyone hated him... well aside from Carson." 

"Yeah, well everyone changed their mind!" McKay jumps in.

"Meet us in Weir's office." 

"Do I have to?" I whine, "I swear that man gave me the headache." 

"I know you have your problems with him, which I have no problem with, but I need more than just McKay." 

"I'll be there in five minutes." 

I quickly dress into my civies and dredge myself all the way to Elizabeth's office. Sheppard waits for me outside the doors, while Teyla, Ronon, Beckett, Rodney, and Weir are outside. 

Sheppard waits no time to get down to business. "What the hell is going on?" 

"What do you mean?" The leader shrugs. 

"What do I mean?" John explains. "We leave for a few hours, Ali takes a nap, and Lucius turns you all into Stepford wives."

"Seriously! I literally slept for max two hours! What did he do to you?" 

"Absolutely nothing," Weir answers, with a dreamy tone. "Carson was right about him." 

"I agree. He has much to offer us." Teyla says, in a similar tone.

Rodney crosses his arms. "Herbs and gourds?"

"Please. The medicines alone are worth whatever he asks." 

"You're really telling me the ointment is worth something?" Sheppard asks, still as stuffed up as the day before. 

"I haven't actually tested it." 

"Carson. Are you really just believing whatever comes out of his mouth?" 

"You got a problem with that?" Ronon questions me, but compared to his usual tone, this is asked as a threat.

I'm genuinely shocked as for once in the whole time that I've known the large man used his size to intimidate me. "I'm good." That is all I can muster out. 

"Teyla," John starts, "this is the man who asked you to be his seventh wife." 

"I know. I hope I didn't upset him?" 

"You just haven't taken the time to get to know Lucius."

"Carson is right!" Elizabeth exclaims. "Again!" I think he could be a great asset to us. He has traveled extensively throughout this galaxy and gathered a tremendous amount of intelligence." 

Sheppard shrugs. "Has he shared any of this uh 'intelligence'?"

"Not yet. But he... did give me this."

She picks up a gourd with a candlestick and they all look at it with reverence and adoration, but the three of us share a look.

"A very wise and kind man," Ronon says with almost a lilt in his voice, and I'm almost more disturbed. 

Fighting Passions - Ronon Dex - Stargate AtlantisOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant