Aurora PT.3

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I join Ronon and Teyla to explore the rest of the ship when McKay lets me know that Caldwell picked up two Wraith cruisers on their way. So I send Teyla back to watch over McKay. As I do so, I try and count where Teyla left off. At the moment there seems to be an astronomical amount of people left in stasis pods.

"More of the same." Ronon comments.

"I know. But shush I'm going to lose count." 

"I counted 376. No, wait. 397. I forgot about the infirmary. There was 22 in there or in 23?" He jokes.

I send a joking glare his way, causing him to laugh as we walk into our next chamber. Soon our laughter dies down when we see the dead body of an old woman. 

"Where did she come from?" 

We turn the body over, in doing so I get a glance at the pod next to us. 

"That's not good." I immediately comment as I see the Wraith in the pod.

"What is it?" 

I don't answer as he walks up and looks inside. Ronon's face changes into one of anger and pure hate. 

"Rodney?" I say over the radio.

"Still here."

"There's something you need to see. We are two decks below you."

"Can't it wait?" 

"No, Rod, it can't."

As we wait for McKay to make it in, I walk back to Ronon who looks deep in thought.

"A penny for your thoughts?"

He turns towards me with confusion at the saying. 

"I'm just trying to figure out what you are thinking."

"I don't know. I just want to kill it."

I nod. "Look, once McKay figures out how in the hell this Wraith ended up inside, and what it's doing. Then we can figure out how we can get it out." 

Ronon nods silently and picks up the poor woman's body as Rodney climbs down the ladder.

"What is it?"

"Look." I lead him to where we found the adjoining wraith gear.

"This is Wraith gear. And it's recently installed." Rodney looks confused. That's when I turn him towards the pod.

Ronon pipes up. "There's a reason for that." 


We're on the Deadalus against our arguments. "Are there any more?" Caldwell asks us.

"Well, it's hard to say, since you plucked us out of there the second you heard," McKay answers clearly more annoyed than normal.

"Ronon, Myself, and Alison have searched the ship. I am certain there is only one." Teyla assures the admiral.

"The wraith's tied into the same neuro-feedback loop as the crew and Colonel Sheppard. But by the looks of it, they must have found Aurora a long time ago, certainly long enough to figure out how to access and reconfigure the system." Rodney explains.

"Given their apparent psychic abilities, is it possible the Wraith ships on the way are in communication with the Wraith aboard the Aurora?" Caldwell asks. 

"No. They need to be closer." Teyla answers. 

"She's right.  We've already determined that the range of Wraith psychic ability is limited." I reinforce.

The admiral nods. "So we can't risk those ships getting within range."

"I say we go back and kill it right now." 

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