Ford is Back PT. 3

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"This is what I was afraid of." McKay states. 

I answer." He's taken all the necessary control crystals, something Rod and I taught him." 

"Well, that's not good." Sheppard comments. 

"That is the understatement of the year."

"Alright, see what you two can do." 

"Okay, why don't we just take them? All we've got to do is get our hands on one stunner and I can take them all."Ronon suggests.

"Yeah, maybe, but if we mess it up, whatever trust we might have been given will disappear." 

Teyla asks the only logical question. "You want to make them trust us?" 

"We play it cool. We let them get comfortable. They're bound to make a mistake."

"And what are we supposed to do while we wait, Sheppard?"

"We play along... How are you guys feeling?

Ronon answers first. "I didn't eat that much. I feel fine."

I got up from my position and felt his head, but that was not an accurate test, and he glared at me and pushes my hand away.


I'm leaning back in my chair next to John while McKay is pacing. "Seriously, I'm getting chills and hot flashes, chills and hot flashes, again and again. None of you are feeling that?" 

I can tell that Ronon is agitated before he even opens up his mouth and walks up behind us. "The enzyme side effects are going to be the least of his concerns if he keeps this up."

"I know. Just be patient."

"Historically, that hasn't been a strength for me." 

"I know."

Ford walks in with an entourage. "Sheppard, Teyla. Kanayo's running a mission off-world. I want you to go with them."


"We're running an op. I thought you might want to see the men in action." 

"Sure. Wherever you need us." 

"Just give us some weapons, and..." 

Aiden quickly cuts the Athosian woman off. "Nice try. No, you're going to hang back and watch with Kanayo. Don't worry. You won't be in any danger."

"That's a load off of my mind." 


Quickly McKay walks up to Ford. "What about us?"

"Jace will give you the grand tour, show you what we've done with the place. How does that sound?" 

"It sounds delightful." The doctor answers sarcastically. 

"Okay, good. Then if Sheppard tries anything off-world, you'll be nice and close for me to kill you three."

I roll my eyes at the threat. "That's just nice and peachy, isn't it?" 

"Move!" Kanayo yells as he points a gun at Teyla. 

"Looks like he's itching to go." Ford comments.

Everyone starts moving and I wait for Ronon to come to my side of the table. The Satedan walks around Ford with a deadly look in his eyes, grabs his coat and knocks over a chair and takes hold of my arm and we walk out together. 

Fighting Passions - Ronon Dex - Stargate AtlantisWhere stories live. Discover now