Conversion PT. 2

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Sheppard and Weir meet both Beckett and I in the infirmary and we quickly begin to fill them in on the situation and how he is infected with the retrovirus.

"The good news is we can now say with some certainty that Ellia didn't drain away any of your life." Beckett starts.

"We already knew that." 

"I suppose." The good doctor responds.

"That's the best good news you two could come up with?" Sheppard asks.

I look at him and decide to just hit him with the news. "It looks like you have been infected with the iratus bug retrovirus, you know the one that Carson has been working on to turn Ellia into a human."

"You mean the one that didn't turn her into a human." John confirms.

"Ellia administered the treatment prematurely. It wasn't ready. It wasn't even supposed to be..." The Scottish man starts to justify.

"I'm not blaming you doc."

We nod. "But you're right. Her transformation was into a creature closer to the iratus bug than into a human, and we all know how much you..." 

John interrupts. "Hate those bugs?"

"Yes." Beckett answers.

"But for one, Ellia was a Wraith, and she took a massive dose of the retrovirus. Do we know how the Colonel's system might respond to the drug?" Elizabeth asks us.

"We have no idea. It was never engineered to be given to a human. It wasn't even intended to be given to anyone..." I begin to explain.

"Ali, let it go." Sheppard tells me.

"The problem is I have no idea how your body react. I can't even begin to guess." Beckett tells the raven-haired man.

"Well, if how I feel is any indication, I'm fine." Sheppard informs us, putting a hand on Beckett's shoulder in an effort to calm him.

"It's certainly possible that it's already breaking down in your system." I guess.

Beckett nods in agreement. "Ellia's transformation was extreme and immediate."

"See?" Sheppard tells us putting an around me.

"But the wound on your arm healed unnaturaly fast." Beckett reasons.

"If there was a wound..."

"John,there had to be, otherwise, I don't see how you could've been infected in the first place." I correct.

John jokes. "Well she was spitting an awful lot." This causes Beckett to sigh in frustration. 

"So what, we just monitor it for now?" Lizzy asks.

"Aye. You'll need to check in every six hours." Carson instructs.

"I can do that." 

"And you should probably..." Weir starts.

"Suspends my off-world activities until we know more." John finishes.

"Thank you." She responds.

Sheppard lets go of me, and walks off. "I guess that means I'm in charge." I grunt.

"Yep." Elizabeth answers.

"Let everything stay normal. Our team will stay home, and if we need to leave for any reason I'll figure it out, making sure to clear everything with John first."

Lizzy nods. "Thanks, Allison."

"You're welcome, Lizzy." I respond to our leader as I walk away.

It wasn't very long before Weir called me to say I was no longer in charge and that Caldwell will temporarily doing that duty.

"Oh thank god!" I sigh.

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