Conversion PT. 5

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"There's only one certainty - what will happen if we do nothing." Beckett speaks up with a dose of clarity.

"We all understand the risks, Dr. Weir. And I believe that Colonel Sheppard would  do the same for any one of us." Lorne explains.

"Permission granted."

Beckett goes to prepare everything and I follow Elizabeth to her office, and once we arrive so does Sheppard.

"Look, I made a new friend."

"It's only protocol." Weir answers.

"That's your answer for everything." John adds clearly upset.

Weir changes the subject. "You look well."

I speak up. "Shouldn't you be in bed?"

"I was going a little crazy down there, so they said I could walk around for a bit." 

"That's good." The leader responds.

"Yeah. Look, I'm trying to say I want to go on this mission."

I shake my head. "John, we all agreed, including yourself, that you aren't fit for off world activity." 

"The inhibitor that Beckett has me on, the one keeping me lucid, they keep having to up the dose." 

"I know. They told me." Lizzie says solemnly.

The raven-haired colonel becomes more agitated. "I don't know how more time I have, but the last thing I want to do is sit on my... mutating hands, while my team puts their lives on the line trying find me a cure! I should be with them." 

"Sheppard..." I start.

"No. I'm sorry." Weir says, refusing him for me. 

"What's the worst that can happen? I die?" 

"You could compromise the mission. We have enough to worry about..." I begin explaining when John interrupts.

"So, what? What? Suddenly, I'm a liability?"

"Your condition can change rapidly." Weir tries to reason.

"I know, and I know I can do this." 

"I'm glad you feel that way, but it would be irresponsible of..."

"This is my life we're talking about." 

Still calm. "I know that."

"I'm going on that mission." 

"No, you're not." We both say in unison.

All the sudden John yells out "Damn it!" And shatters the glass wall of Elizabeth's office.  

Fighting Passions - Ronon Dex - Stargate AtlantisWhere stories live. Discover now