Instinct Final/ Conversion PT.1

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Slowly Teyla begins to wake up.

"Teyla?" Ronon and I ask in sync.

"What happened? Where's Colonel Sheppard?" She questions with concern lacing her voice.

"He went after the creature." Ronon answers, as I begin to look at her head.

"You two let him go alone?" 

"Well, he wanted us to stay with you." Ronon answers once again.

She sighs. "I am fine. Go."

"Aren't we supposed to follow his orders?" The man asks confused.

"Sometimes we are allowed to make exceptions." Teyla answers, causing me to smirk.

"Who decides when it's one of those times?"

I answer this time. "You guys do." 

"That's good enough." He exclaims then runs off.

A short moment passes as I examine Teyla. "Are you not going to join them?"

"No. Sheppard's right. I have medical experience, and we need to get you to the gate. If they need me I'll be out there in a heartbeat."

"Okay." She answers. 

With that we walk back to the gate slowly and carefully just in case anything unexpected happens.

"Ali Come in?" I hear over the comms.

"Yes Ronon."

"We're heading back. Ellia is dead, but Sheppard needs immediate medical attention." 

"Okay I'll let Weir know.


Conversion Pt. 1 

As soon as the whole team is back Beckett takes Sheppard on a gurney to the medical bay. 

"I'm going to get this vest off and some of my weapons, and swing by to check on Sheppard." I tell Elizabeth. 

"Okay, I'll let him know to wait for you there." 

I make quick work of what I set out to do, and run to where I know Sheppard, and Beckett will be.

I walk in and hear a heavy conversation. "I don't know. Maybe it just looked a lot worse than it was." Sheppard answers an unheard question as I walk up behind the two men.

"I don't see evidence of any cut at all." The Scottish man says exasperated.

"Allison, I'm glad you're here. Look at his arm for me." 

I take a look at where the feeding mark should be, but find no evidence anywhere. "Give me your arm." I instruct. 

He obeys. "You sure the skin was broken?" I ask confused.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure. There was a lot of blood. Maybe it was hers." John tries to reason.

"It was definitely human." Beckett corrects.

"I don't know. Maybe it was a nosebleed." The Colonel jokes.

Beckett though isn't having it at all. "Is that supposed to be a joke, Colonel?"

John stands up from the bed and puts back on the vest that was sitting behind him. "Believe me, this isn't funny."

Carson sighs. "Give me half a day to run your blood work and analyze it with the data we already have. We'll figure it out." 

Beckett allows Sheppard to go about his day, and I turn to the doctor.

"You want my help? I kind of experimented with a lot of sciences when I was growing up in SG-1." I offer.

"Could you just try to keep tabs on Sheppard for me?" 

"Of course! Just keep me updated." With that I walk out I go looking for John but end up running into Ronon.

"Hey, where are you heading?" I ask as he is in a hurry.

He stops walking and meets me in the middle of the hallway, and guides us to the side where we will be out of the way. 

"I'm just meeting John at the catwalk for a run. You want to join?" He invites. 

I'm slightly surprised that he invited me so quickly but I recover. "Why? You need some real competition?" I tease.

"I don't know about competition, but maybe someone who could possibly keep up, yeah." He challenges. 

"Oh you are so on!" I state.

We chat all the way to where we meet Sheppard. "I didn't know you were joining us." 

"I was invited. Is that cool?"

"Yeah, it just means I got one more person to keep up with." He chuckles.

Shortly, we get running and Sheppard pulls ahead of us, pushing Ronon and I to glance at each other confused. We keep running multiple laps and I am starting to get worn out. In the middle of the last run, Ronon stops and so do I slumping to the ground/

"I thought you said you were a runner, and you're a super soldier." John jokes.

"That's funny." 

"Ha ha." 

"I can usually barely keep up. What's up with you too?"

"What's with you?" Ronon asks our CO.

"Water?" John offers us. 

The Satedan offers it to me first, and then takes a drink himself downing it, and getting on his shirt, and spiting some out making me laugh.

"Hey, sore loser, I don't act like a jerk when you beat me." John accuses.

"Yes, you do." The former specialist corrects. 

"Okay then we can do another lap." Sheppard suggests.

I quickly answer no, and Ronon agrees with me and John goes on ahead. 

As me and Ronon are heading to the mess hall I get a call from Beckett to come see Sheppard's blood work.

"I'll be right there." I answer. "Sorry Ronon, Rain check."


With that I run off to the medical wing and when I get there I can see that Beckett is stressed. "What's up Carson?" 

"Take a look." He says gesturing at the the blood sample report. 

"Are you absolutely sure?" 

"Ran it three times." 

I nod. "Call him in."


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