Conversion PT. 4

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"Ronon, Teyla, McKay, and Lorne. Meet me in my room in 10." I order over the comms.

"Yes ma'am." 

Shortly everyone is in my room as I asked. "What do you need?" Ronon asks concerned. 

"We think we have a solution to Sheppard's conversion."

Rodney nods excitedly. "Well that's great. But why do you need us here?" 

I glance uneasy. "Because we need to get Iratus bug Stem cells and we don't have time to make them. I need a team."

"I'm in." Ronon states without any convincing.

"So am I." McKay and Teyla answer at once.

"You know I'm in too." Lorne adds.

"Alright. McKay I need you to look in the ancient databases where we can find them. Lorne, I need you to find more volunteers, we may need help if any Wraith are near. Teyla you'll assist. Ronon please get our gear ready, I'm going to see Weir."

They all run out, and I brush my hair out of my face letting out a shallow breath. "You got this Ali." 

"Yes you do." I hear Teyla say. "You are going to lead us to a cure for John." 

"Thanks Teyla, I needed that. You're a good friend." 

"You are too, and I wanted to let you know that Beckett never talked to Weir so they are meeting  her now in the lab."

"Thanks." I say giving her a hug and then running off to see the others.


When I walk in Weir is responding to something some one said. "The last time we ran into one of these things, we almost lost Sheppard. How do you expect to just walk into one of their nests?" She asks as she turns to me. 

"I don't see any other choice. We need the Iratus stem cells, and right now the best stem cells come from embryos." I explain. "With them we actually stand a chance of saving John, without them he WILL die." 

"And this is the only option we have?"

"Time's an issue as well." Beckett interjects.

Weir still unsure. "You have no idea what will happen."


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