Aurora PT. 1

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Ronon and I have been watching to scientist playing chess for a long time while we have been eating, they haven't made a move. 

"May I join you?" Weir says walking up to us. 

The man gestures yes, and then Elizabeth sits on the opposite side of me, having a full view of the match.

"These two, they play everyday." She points out.

"Neither one of them has even blinked yet." Ronon observes.

"Well it's not a game of action." The woman explains simply.

"I can see that."

"Ronon, it's all about strategy. He's planning his next move, and the one after that, and the next three moves after that." I speak up.

"You guys do that a lot around here." 

"Yes, we do. I take it that's not how you prefer to do things?" Lizzy asks.

"No." He stands and grabs his tray. "I'm leaving." 

Weir has a look of shock on her face. "Hey, Ronon wait." 

He turns around. "Look, just because we do things differently doesn't mean we can't learn from each other. And Colonel Sheppard and Ali  has already invested an incredible amount of time and energy trying to make you an integral part of the team."

"I meant I'm leaving the table." 

Red flushes her face as she realizes her mistake, as I try to contain my laughter. 

"Is that okay?"

"Yes, of course." She stumbles out. "I'm sorry I thought that..." She doesn't finish her sentence as we both are being called to the control room by Rodney.

"I'm leaving too." She says and walks away.

I wait until she gets far enough away. "That was priceless." 

A smirk sits on his face. "Yeah I guess so. Don't you have to go to?"

"Yeah! Bye!" 



"What is it?" Weir asks. 

"That is the signature of an Ancient ship called the Aurora. With the ZPM now powering the city, we've been reactivating dormant systems. That one tracked the location of Ancient ships during the war." Rodney explains.

Sheppard's eyes light up. "A warship?"

"Oh, see, look at his eyes, all lighting up again. It's Pavlovian. I crosschecked the logs. They were on a reconnaissance mission." Rodney tells us.

I step up the the other display with the tablet in my hand on the data. "When we activated the ZPM, the city must have sent some kind of an automated subspace beacon recalling ships back to Atlantis."

"How long before it gets here?" Weir asks. 

"Well given that it's at the edge of the Pegasus galaxy... Let me see carry the... 42 million years. Should we go wait on the porch?" 

"So we take a jumper through the nearest Stargate and check it out." Sheppard decides. 

"Clever, but wrong." Rod corrects. 

"There are no nearby Stargates?" The Colonel asks. 

"Not within jumper distance. Which leaves us with only way to get there." I answer.


We are waiting for Dr. Weir and Caldwell to reach the bridge as Sheppard eats a power bar, Ronon and  I are sharpening our knifes (just in case) and Teyla and Rodney are conversing. Shortly, the two arrive and we set out towards the Aurora.


"We should have a visual soon." McKay states.

 An airman speaks up. "Sir, I'm detecting a second ship." 

I walk to a display. "Here, let me see." The man walks away. "It looks like a small Wraith vessel." 

"A dart?"

"No, bigger." McKay answers at the other station. "Some sort of scout ship, probably after the same thing we are." 

The pilot shouts out the ship is heading straight forward and we will  be in weapons range in 5 seconds. As soon as possible the Deadalus fires at the Wraith ship and it is destroyed.

"All these years, and just now the Wraith find the ship?" Caldwell asks skeptical. 

"Well, all these years, the Aurora lay dormant. The signal from Atlantis woke it up, making visible to the Wraith as well as us." Rodney explains. 

Teyla is looking out a view screen, "Is that it?"

When I see the ship she is huge but is covered in damage all along the hull and probably has some major damage that we can't see yet.

"Looks like it was in a hell of a fight." Sheppard observes.

"And lost." Ronon adds. 

Caldwell asks if life support was online, but unfortunately it looks like that won't pan out. 

"Guess we're suiting up." 

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