Chapter 20.

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               ☾*✲⋆.✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*


"Why are we here?" I wondered out loud as we walked through the corridors, on our way to Headmistress Faragonda her office because she called us there.

"Who knows.." Stella shrugged as we arrived at the door of Miss Faragonda's office, her expression soon changed into a playful smile, she pushed me and I stumbled forward, immediately glaring at her. "Why won't you be a darling and knock on the door."

I scowled. "Stella!" I turned back to the door and took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

"Come in girls." We heard Faragonda's voice and I opened the door and went inside her office with the girls behind me, we stood in front of her desk and she stared back at us with a serious expression, making us all the more nervous. "Things have been tough lately and I'm sure you're all quite worn out."

Stella yawned and nodded in agreement. "I'm only this tired when I break in new heels."

"Losing Alfea's piece of the Codex has been very difficult for all of us." Miss Faragonda continued, ingnoring Stella's comment. "-But now is the time we must pull together, we have to be fully prepared for the next battle." 

"I hope we can do it." Flora frowned and I nodded in agreement, rightfully so. We failed to sto the Trix and Lord Darkar from taking the Codex each time, and now we are unsure if we are able to stop Lord Darkar.

"'I hope we can do it'." Stella mocked the girl. "Come on Flora, with that kind of attitude, we might as well just give up!"

Musa glared at Stella. "You're the one with the bad attitude!"

"And you're like Miss Positivity?" Stella snapped back at her and I let out a groan, there we go again.

We have been arguing non-stop about our upcoming battle, I mean it all took a toll on us and it's stressing us the hell out, it's like the whole Magic Dimension is on our shoulders and we can barely sleep because of that.

"That's enough, young ladies." Faragonda interrupted their agruing. "I need you to stop arguing with each other and start acting like a team, I need you to remember why you call yourselves the Winx Club, I've decided to take drastic measures."

"Exactly what measures do you have in mind?" I decided to ask her, curious what measures will help us and stop us from arguing with each other.

"I'm sending you all on a vacation." Faragonda smiled as if it's normal that a Headmistress is letting us skip classes and send us on vacation while Lord Darkar is still out there.





Thalassophile (Winx Club x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now