ch.5.Establishment of Elf army and Dogfather mental stability

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I was standing in front of Dursley's house. The time was 5:13 pm.

I knocked on the door and waited.

Petunia opened the door and scowled as soon as she saw me.

I went in and closed the door behind me.

" done with your shopping. " she sneered at me.

" yes." I said. "and I won't be staying with you either."

" what?"

" I will not be staying with you from now on, although I may come here once in a while to tell you that I'm alive maybe, around the summer holidays. "

" Why come here then !"

" I came here to pack my stuff and I will leave first thing tomorrow morning."

" That's good. " Vernon said descending the stairs " we will like to get rid of you sooner than later  ."

" I will be in my room then " with that I went to Dudley's 2nd bedroom, The Dursleys freaked out when I gave them the letter after a couple of days of its arrival, and just like in canon they moved me to Dudley's 2nd room.

I went to my room and dropped the watch and my bag off after pulling a box out of it, next I went to Dudley's room

Sure enough, the pig in the wig was in his room playing video games, I could hear him playing even when the door was closed

I knocked on the door " Hello Dudley. "

" what do you want brat," he said opening the door

"I wanted to give you something," I said smiling and what do I say, I was a good actor, one HAD to be after several run-ins with a teacher after doing pranks AND not being suspected for any of them

" Give me! what can you give me," he said haughtily.

" Well, you see I'm leaving, and since you are my ONLY friend I thought I might as well give you a parting gift," I said giving him the box

" You consider me a friend " No shit.

"Yeah, you've always played with me and although I would have preferred a more passive game, you playing with me mattered to me "

" you are giving me gift " gods this is taking more time than I thought and how obvious is he

" yes, you are my ONLY friend after all " he got a bit of a thoughtful look on his face

" umm well I have to pack so bye " with that I made a move to leave but Dudley interrupted me

" Umm Thank you ....for the game," he said looking at the latest version of his favorite game I had just gifted him.

" You are welcome " after that I spent the rest of my time in my room reading books and trying to come up with a plan for my 1st year.

I had already handled the problems, I could handle with my current abilities, like the Horcrux in my scare, and the locket.

I will get the diadem once I go to Hogwarts, I can't get the diary till my 2nd year, the cup is in Bellatrix's vault and I have to know the goblin's opinion on Horcrux before pulling a stunt and what's left is Nagini and Voldemort, who both are out of my reach for next 7 years.

The next problem is dumbledoor, I had secured my account back with the help of darkfang, dumbles will be pissed to know that he can't steal from me because apparently grip hook had acquired some mysterious goblin disease( beheaded for his crimes) and died due to it, he was replaced by a stubborn goblin who won't cooperate with him.

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