ch.14.Plans and Manipulations

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I, Neville, Hermione, and the Padma walked the path back to the castle.

Mandy and Terry wanted to lounge by the lake while the Slytherins went off somewhere, fortunately without insulting Hermione or Mandy throughout the entire ordeal.

I glanced at the girls, Hermione was or rather will be the smartest witch of her age while the Padma, according to her sister was rather skilled in the art of gossip. Having those two on my side will help me gain information on the inside happenings in the Ravenclaw house. Moreover, I had to sustain a good relationship with Hermione to help her get over her bossy and know-it-all attitude. If I remember correctly she constantly had quarrels with her roommates in Grffyndor and only a handful of people talked to her willingly. She was in dire need to grow some communication skills.

" Neville do you have History of Magic notes, I fell asleep again," I said to Nevile who was on my right.

" You shouldn't be sleeping in the class, " Hermione said in a reprimanding tone while frowning. Her reaction was expected. She was intelligent but very predictable I think I know why she isn't a Slytherin moreover she has a bold streak worthy of Gryffindor. Man, she will be so much better Only if she used that streak for a greater purpose rather than chastising her peers.

" Well you can't fault me for falling asleep it's professor Binns after all"

" He isn't the only one who sleeps in during History class," Padma said

" Sleeping in class is bad if you don't pay attention you will fail the class, " She said matter of factly upturning her nose. I almost sighed Draco wasn't the only one who had some growing up to do.

" I'm self-studying, It's not like I can learn anything from professor Binn's lectures anyway"

" Will you help me, I didn't completely get the Urik the oddball seriously he messed it up with Emetic the Evil," Neville asked me

" He messed up your lessons too?" Padma said surprised

" Yeah, wait he messed your lessons too?" I replied surprised

" Yes," She said sorrowfully

" Oh " I replied

" Can you help me with it too?" BingO!

" Yeah, I'll help you both, I'll have to sort out those messed-up notes anyway"

" Thank you Harry " Neville replied with a relieved breath.

" SO what about tomorrow say 6, in the Library ?"

" It will do " She replied.

" Ok then I and Neville will wait for you there," I said

" You are starting a study group?" Hermione piped in with a slightly excited tone.

" Err No it's not exactly a study group " Actually It's kinda my own GOOD version of the mini-death eater squad.

" I hope I can join, " She said without reading the mood or giving a thought to my preferences, Huh It's so Hermione-like.

" Well, you can if Neville and Padma don't mind "

Neville shrugged and Padma was silent for a moment probably contemplating having Hermione in our little group. She glanced at her Housemate and looked a bit conflicted.

" No, I have no problem with it " She finally smiled and I almost let out a relieved breath.

" That's Great," I said joyously " See you in Charms tomorrow then, " I said as the girls mounted the stairs where we separated. We continued on our way to the Common room on the ground floor and once we were out of their hearing range, Neville spoke up

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