ch.24.Nah-I'm not doing any duels

978 42 4


Next morning.

I had a hard time getting up, I was really exhausted partly because of my weak body and partly because of overexerting myself by giving Neville a piggyback ride across the castle.

It was a good thing that my core had refilled back because I used daily spells for every little thing that morning from brushing my teeth to feeding Phantom, Azure, and Toratoad. Oh, how I love magic!

I descended late into the great hall and with the safe arrival of Saturday, I thought that I had somehow avoided the midnight duel but the thought was ruined when 3 unlikely guests showed up at the Hufflepuff table uninvited.

I felt most of the people put up their guards when the infamous trio showed up.

"Having a last meal, Potter? When are you getting the train back to theMuggles?"

"You seem rather taken with the Hufflepuff table, why don't they serve adequate food at the Slytherin one?" I asked with a smile and heard some snickers on our table. I really wanted to do a 5th-year Hermione on him. we were getting along just fine but then his family had to intervene. I was half sure he was being so mean due to family pressure, his reaction during our little on-air standoff told it all, but even so he wasn't that kind, to begin with.

"Why you-" he said turning red

"Oh, sorry I forgot that the food served is the same here and there then perhaps your little friends couldn't get enough there?"I asked looking between Crabbe and Goyle.

I really shouldn't aggravate them but the High Table wasfull of teachers, neither of them could do more than crack theirknuckles and scowl.

"I'd take you on anytime on my own," said Malfoy. "Tonight, if you want.Wizard's duel. Wands only -- no contact. What's the matter? Never heardof a wizard's duel before, I suppose?"

Neville opened his mouth to say something but I was faster.

" No thank you, I'm not as eager as you to get into another detention"

"Scared potter?" I couldn't stop my eyes from twinkling at that.

"You wish, Malfoy?"I chuckled"But really I'm planning on avoiding any duels with anyone"

" Are you sure you can do that?" He said motioning towards his goons.

" Oh my, are you threatening a little Hufflepuff like me, Then again I don't think either you nor your friends have any actual guts to openly challenge me"

" Then let's have a mock duel, today after potions, near the black lake" Ah he's planning to exploit the loophole in Hogwarts rules. You're not allowed to do magic between classes in the corridors but it's an entirely different thing if your classes are over and you aren't in the corridor.

But do I really have to duel him? If I dueled with him there were two possibilities either I would win and then he will leave me alone after getting it handed to him or I would win and he will decide to bully me and my little group more ruthlessly, I'll put my bets on the later, moreover, I didn't want to show anyone exactly how skilled I was especially Dumbledore but if I didn't duel Draco he will get the wrong idea that I was a meek toerag, so overall this was a rather bad situation for me.

Well I guess ill have other opportunities to show him who the boss here is but I" couldn't reverse it if Dumby gets suspicious moreover malfoys doubt about my abilities could prove to be beneficial and the most important thing is that I couldn't risk my friends knowing about the hell dog, I wanted to visit it but I was also feeling rather down today.

"Neville, Do you remember what professor sprout told us that other day"

" About Slytherins?" he said looking at Malfoy and not at the Hulk babies.

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