ch.36.we be the woes.

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"Mr.potter?" A voice rang out in the silence of the night.

I looked at the gaunt face of my beloved professor who hates me or more correctly this face I wear.

"Professor" I sniffed,trying to stop the tears,I felt phantom relax slightly and curl up into me again.

The man was silent again ,looking at me with a closed off look.

"This is no place for a student to be this late at night" he said and I got the distinct impression that he was struggling to choose his words carefully.

"I--" I licked my dry salty lips."I know but, I... just wanted guess" I said sounding unsure to my own ears.

" Clearly" he said with the barest hint of a sneer " follow me, I'd rather not have students roaming in such places"

I followed him without a single peep of resistance.
I was in no condition to deal with this man or his taunts right now, even if he gave me detention I will take it i WAS in the wrong anyway.

I held phantom tight trying to protect her from the cruel cold of the Halloween night.

We treaded in a not so uncomfortable silence towards the castle, I followed behind him as we marched through the silent twisting corridors and finally we stopped in front of what was not the Hufflepuff common room, in fact I've never been inside this part of the castle.

He knocked sharply on the door and a moment later it was opened by professor Mcgonagall dresses in a red brown tartanish nightgown.

" Severus,how do-"She took one look at professor Snape then at me and opened the door wider.

I felt Snape nuge me not so softly towards the open door and I silently walked inside unsure of what exactly was going on. My mind was way to muddled to catch up on this.

"I'll leave him in your care professor Mcgonagall" I heard Snape brisk voice say

" I'll take my leave the. Good-" he was cut off by professor Mcgonagall brfore he could escape.

" Why Severus, please do come in. I remember you promising to see me tonight I've been waiting for you" she was trying to make him stop wasn't she.

"Dressed like that?" Snape Said without missing a breath, did nothing escape him?

" Oh yes I thought I might as well comfortable while at it"

After that i felt a breeze, It was magic and I couldn't hear them anymore.i sighed digging my fingers into Phantom's soft fur.

I just wanted to be alone.I wanted to be out, It was a bit stuffy in here.

I flinched as a hand landed on my arm.

" It's fine Harry" I looked at the worried face of professor Mcgonagall.

I made her worry about me didn't i?I really didn't like it.

"Im Sorry professor. I shouldn't have been roaming at this hour"
She waved off the apology.

"I understand what you must be feeling , Mr Potter. I'm sure it is hard for you but we are here to help you, you can trust us"

I nodded.
" Then I will be going-"

"Oh no you don't" she said easing me onto a cough and sitting
Opposite to me. I felt the seat besides me dip and saw Snape sit down there.

He was staying?

" Would you like some hot chocolate?"

I nodded not finding it in myself to refuse her or even speak. I was afraid her concer and generosity would making her cry all over again and I had just stopped the tears.

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