ch.22.Not so subtle,after all.

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I blinked as a 100 pair of eyes blinked back.

I didn't know what exactly I was feeling.
Creeped out?kinda excited?umm yeah. Anxious ? Definitely I was surrounded by 100 plus elves that followed dumbee's orders, damn i fear to think what length they will go to complete the orders of that goat.

As if a switch has been turned on a couple elves rushed towards me

" Hello, me bes Krafty this bes Bilm. How does we helps you, sir" two male elves wearing tea towel togas with small Hogwarts crests upon them stumbled forward.

"No need to call me sir"i smiled at them"I'm just here to talk about my personal elf."

"His name bes...creature?" The elf that introduced himself as Krafty said.

"It's Kreature,now I know you guys don't allow non Hogwarts elves much but Kreatures' bonded to me and I need him sometimes so I will be really grateful if you could please allow him."

"Sir that-"

"I know it may be too much to ask but please consider my request, Kreature is really old and I'm just worried about him."

" You bes worried about your elf sir?"

"Yeah, I haven't known him for much but I know I can trust him with my life"

The two elves shared a look and then one of them ran off towards the kitchen.

"Sir, Blim bes fetching the head elf, you can wait at the table I bes guide you"

" Ok , thanks"

I was the lead to a small table off to the side, it gave me a perfect view of the whole kitchen.the elves went back to whatever they were sure some of them were curious and would try to listen in.

The kitchen was located directly under the Great Hall, down the staircase leading to the Hufflepuff Basement.

The kitchen had a gigantic, high-ceiling just like the great hall with five tables identical to the ones in the Great Hall above; they were also in the exact same position. There were large quantities of pots and pans heaped around the stone walls, presumably on counter-tops or stoves, and a large brick fireplace at the other end of the hall from the door.

Each of the tables, at the moment, they were being loaded with food, the lunch was supposed to start in an hour , The dishes that were loaded would be then sent up through the ceiling to their counterparts tables above.

An elf came and asked me if I would like anything and upon her pestering I asked for orange juice.punpkin juice was just like drinking liquid jalebi!

(A deep fried spiral, crispy and juicy sweet made of all purpose flour, gram flour (besan), baking soda and water drowned in sugar syrup for hours)

An practically ancient looking elf came and served me an glass of orange juice.
"Thank you"

The elf raised an brow and then to my surprise he sat down opposite to me.

"I'm Wigby , the dessert master how may I help you sir" the elf spoke in an clear English, i guess it does show how much he's learned in his years.

"My name is Harry , and as you can guess I'm a Hufflepuff.I am bonded to an elf named Kreature, he's an elderly elf but wishes to serve me dearly for the rest of his days. The Hogwarts elf wards make it hard for him to answer my call.I care for him and am worried.I Would be really greatfull if you can consider my request and allow him to come to a Hogwarts"

"Hmm, does he not have other family the blacks"The elf said looking at me siriusly, I think he was not your average elf who would just take my word for it , well but I'm used to dealing with people like him.kreacher was just like him was he not?

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