ch7.Memory lane and Another pet!

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I sighed as I lay down on my bed.  I closed my eyes and tried to remove all the thoughts from it.

After what felt like an hour I kind of got detached from the reality, I felt like I was in a dark haze filled a void, It was like I was floating in a black mist with only my thoughts working and I couldn't feel my body at all. all these feelings were eerily similar to when I was in REM sleep.

I mentally shook my head and tried to make heads and tails of my surrounding. This must be my mindscape, It's all black and empty like the books said it will look like when a person first enters their mindscapes.


The first step to Occlumeny, Meditation. 

To enter their mindscape the witch/wizard must meditate, Meditation helps the sorcerer to attach to their inner mind or more specifically the mindscape. During Meditation a person must detach from their physical surroundings and search for inner peace, this may take time but, connecting to one's inner mind or subconscious not only helps the sorcerer perform magic more precisely but moreover it is less stressful and harmful to become occlumens through meditation rather than gaining forced occlumency or more precisely the just protective walls by the means of legiliminency...........

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Second step, Physique

After regular meditation, the sorcerer will start connecting to their inner mind. At first, the connection might be brief and hazy but through practice, the connection will become stronger and more stable over time. when the sorcerer is finally able to attain a stable connection to their mindscape, they will find themselves in a paralysis-like state, Only their mind will be awake while their body goes to sleep. To proceed further the sorcerer must give a shape to their consciousness in their mindscapes. To form a Physique or a Body the sorcerer must imagine the body forming around themselves, the sorcerer can/may take any form and shape in their mind but there is a high possibility that they will attain their original looks and shape ........................

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Third steps, Organizing

Once the sorcerer has achieved a solid form the next thing they should do is to organize their thoughts.  To Organize their thoughts the sorcerer must imagine their memories as something solid for example a person who likes flowers can imagine their memories as certain flowers and categorize them depending upon their breed i.e memory type or a person who likes food may imagine memories as food and sort them depending upon the food style i.e memory type or the time of when the memory happened ...........

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I Imagined myself in a body and  I did not need to look to know that I did not look like Harry Potter but  I looked like my real 15-year-old female self. soon enough I could kind of feel again. I could move hands at first only the fingers twitched and after some practice, I could move my hand. After a few minutes of flexing my arms and legs. Still floating in the void I decided to work in the mindscape as the book suggested.

I created the ground first,  a single thought and endless evergreen plains were formed I floated towards and felt my legs touch the ground.

I stretched again and looked at my surroundings, I could see the horizon where the Void and the ground touched. Might as well get to work. I thought of all my memories as books and soon I bound tons of books around me along with thousands of scattered pages that lay on the floor.

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