ch.45.Desires, Hardship and Reality

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I received a reply from Mrs. Wesley  almost immediately , wishing me a belated merry Christmas and thanking me for getting Ron something he liked very much although a chocolate frog would have sufficed.

I laughed at the letter, Really getting a gift for Ron was harder than getting a gift for Dumbledores or Snape.I couldn't t give him something expensive in case he gets flustered and takes it as me mocking the Wesley sweater but if i got him something cheap unlike the high-end presents I gave my other friends he would get jealous and  think I was being biased.

In the end I gifted him a Cake and some Honeydukes coupons, since i didn't think he would enjoy a stationary set very much.

He Thanked me excitedly this morning and even commented that I looked good in my yellow Wesley sweater, and that he wished he would get something else than a maroon one.

The day ended with a secret reunion with the Twins and more prank scheming with me innocently telling them about my curious thoughts aka prank ideas.

Wrapped tightly in the invisibility cloak without any sound cancelling charms I wandered the halls on my first Day back at Hogwarts.

I followed the magic of the compulsion charm cast on the invisibility cloak and was led to closed door on the fifth floor or sixth floor. It was hard to tell due to the moving staircase.

Although my Heir rings had detected and easily blocked the compulsions I had willingly lowered the protection to some degree  so I could know what that old coot had planned.

As expected It looked like an unused classroom. The dark shapes of desks and chairs were piled against the walls, and there was an upturned wastepaper
basket -- but Aha!

There it  is! propped against the wall facing me was something that
didn't look as if it belonged there, something that looked as if someone
had just put it there to keep it out of the way.

It was a magnificent mirror, as high as the ceiling, with an ornate gold frame, standing on two clawed feet. There was an inscription carved
around the top: Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi.

Translation (read from right to left)
Erised straeh ruoy tub ecaf ruoy ton wohs i.

"I show not your face but your heart's desire"

I hummed at the amazingness of the situation, what will the cursed mirror show, I grinned.

"Mirror mirror on the wall,what I desire most of all?"

My enthusiasm and amusement turned into horror as the mirror started depicting my darkest, deppest desires that perhaps not even I knew.

There she was, smiling happily without a single burn in her body and shinning green eyes hugging my left side. On the other side was my other best friend with her hand around my waist and whispering something in my ear that made me blush while Clare snuggles into me as we always did and looking at Jesse and me with shinning eyes and saying something that made all three of us to burst out laughing.

Behind me slightly towards the left with a hand laid supportively on my shoulder was my grandpa and on his side was my grandmére smiling knowingly at me and my friends.

On grandpa's right were my mum, dad and brother. My mum was proudly flipping through something that i recognised as Harvard medical collage report card and dad was holding a office file labelled as confidential out to me.
My brother was pouting adorably while trying to tug away Jesse from me and take her place.

Behind all of them was Hogwarts ground littered with people like Remus, The twins, Sirius ,Snape and even Dumbledore all laughing joyfully and  picnicking under the sky I just knew was free from Voldemort's influence and has many new infrastructures.

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