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For once I was thankful for my workaholic studious habits.

The exams were coming soon.
Exactly 10 weeks away as a
Hermione went into a Academic frenzy, compiling study schedule and plans that one else could follow.

I spent my nights practicing different spells and my days memorizing and understanding the theories.
My Physics, Chemistry and Biology Books forgotten for a while.

Between Piles of Homework,Classes, Helping the twins with prank ideas,feeding Fluffy, Regina, Mrs Norris and begging the Hogwarts elves to let me brew myself Tulsi Tea I didn't get any time to go to the stone.

Not to mention that Snape was patrolling almost every night now now and at most unexpected of times.

So I didn't notice when March rolled by and it was Easter holiday already.

I was in the library looking up extra herbology material for potions when I noticed the massive size of Hagrid trying to hide behind the shelves and miserably failing.

"What are you doing Hagrid?" I asked as the great giant jumped startled and knocked over soem books earning us glares from Madam Pince.

"Hagrid shuffled into view, hiding something behind his back. He looked
very out of place in his moleskin overcoat.

"Jus' lookin'," he said, in a shifty voice that got my interest at
once. "An' what're you lot up ter?" He looked suddenly suspicious.

"Oh me?" I said smiling innocently "I'm looking at laws that protect endangered magical species"

"Shhhh!" Hagrid looked around quickly to see if anyone was listening.
"Don' go shoutin' about it, what's the matter with yeh?"

"why Hagrid" I feigned ignorance "it's not as if you are keeping illegal Magical things in your hut." I looked at his place and guilty face.

"Are you" I asked pretending to look shocked and horrified as if I didn't know.

"No, no of course not, who will keep a dragon egg in their hut?!" He wispered furiously.

" Ruddy dragons!" I mock exclaimed in a wisper.

"No of course not!"He yelled panicked and The strict Liberian kicked us both out unoticed by hermione who was lost in her frantic revising.

"Your hut now" I said Adjusting my satchel and marching down toward sthe grounds.

A short walk later we were inside his hut.

Hagrid let me inside the microwave like hut where all the curtains were closed and an fire was burning at high flames.

Hagrid made me tea and offered
stoat sandwiches, which I refused.
"So -- yeh wanted to ask me somethin'?"

"Yes," I said. There was no point beating around the bush.

"What are you keeping  a Bzu g Dragon if all things in your WOODEN hut."

"I-Its not a dragon" Hagrid stuttered which made if even harder to decipher his words under his accent and beard.

"Hagrid" I called out with as much saddnes I could muster." I trust you. I also know that Dumbledore trusts you immensely and supporta you"

Hagrid's chest swelled at these last words and he visibly puffed up in pride.

"But I'm not sure if you should trouble him like this, keeping an illegal Dragon egg, Good Heavens"

Hagrid visibly defeated like a ballon.

"Where is it?, The dragon I mean?" I asked looking around the cramped room.

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