ch.38.pride vs morals.

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Why late update?
Author extremely smck for past two days.
Still has tests to attend.
Extremely awful mood and physical condition.
Enjoy chapter.


As we finished breakfast two vials of my potions regime popped up magically on the table.

Mcgonagall raised a brow at the.
"Nutrition and absorption potions" I said but since they were goblin made they were a bit different than your wizard made potions.

Not only did they aid my growth but also repaired the damage done by Dursleys.

"Why do you need them?" She asked picking up one of the vials to inspect it.

"I've got a bit of a frail body you see " I shrugged.

"I consulted a healer when i came to the wizarding world" she nodded.

" Why don't you ask Severus to make your potions, he's the best potions master in Britain and he does take orders from outside Hogwarts" She said handing me the vail.

"Oh, I wouldn't want to bother him, even for business and my potions are made specifically for me moreover. I'll be off them in a few weeks.Every potions master has their own style,the change in my potions however subtle might effect me either for better or for worse" I explained.

"Hmm, quite plausible I suppose " she said "How come I've never seen you have a potion before" she asked as i downed the potion. Eh no one would have known if I wasn't with her even after breakfast.

" I usually take them after I'm out of the great hall, I have them in my satchel but since I'm here and without my bag the elves probably spelled them here"

She nodded as i downed the other potion wtf did they put in this?! It tasted like something Horrid Henry or Margaret would make for each other!

**********Time skip********

Once again I was thankful for my father's teachings.

He may not have been a ever-present presence or a stable support I'm my life but in my younger years he did take time out of his busy schedule to teach me.

He was a detective and attacks on our family although unexpected and rare did occur.

It was only ofter the 2nd or was it 3rd? Attack and I was able to walk and have more conscious thoughts than a vegetable did he start training me in the art of espionage asli commonly known as spying.

It was nothing serious really,I was taught more basic things like identifying a person's emotions through eyes,face,body language and heartbeat.stealth moments , physical training, shooting,various martial arts and controlling my own facial expressions and heart beat were among the more hard core training.

I was also taught to operate long distance communications like walky talky and radio. All of that paired with mother's 'persistence' about attaining a A+ or at least an A on every report card and my own personal study schedule prepared by her made for a very lonely and deary childhood.

I  meet the light of my life Jesse and Clara over a fistfight with some bullies.

My seven year old self who was far stronger and athletic than her peers due to the gruesome training needless to say wiped the floor right under the feet of the bullies.

It was only after I had punched Jesse in the face and had her by her collar that I got to know that the short haired boyish person with hair as red  as her fierce nature was indeed a female friend of Clara who was just trying to help her and not working with the bunch of toerag bullies that had cornired the sweet looking, innocent doe eyes Clara.

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