ch.10.Magical Lessons

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Author's Note

The timetable for 1st-year puffs is made according to the plot's convention, some classes like Gryffindor-Hupplepuff double herbology have been omitted and replaced.



I groaned and opened my eyes. I was a bit startled to find myself in an unfamiliar room. Within moments the memories of last night came rushing to my minds

O M G I got sorted in Hufflepuff

Neville got sorted in Hufflepuff

And I smashed my Alarm clock

I got up and made my way towards the poor thing that lay slumped on the floor leaning on a wall

I picked it up and found that it was not damaged, so the shopkeeper wasn't kidding when he said it was indestructible. I had a really bad habit of throwing the alarm clock in my sleep. But even it couldn't dampen my excitement. Man today was my first day (academically speaking) in Hogwarts I just couldn't wait to start classes and meet the rest of the characters.

I placed the clock on my nightstand.


September 2, Monday


I went to the bathroom and did my morning rituals. Had a long shower for about 30 minutes and dressed myself

~*meow* you woke up earlier than normal master~ Phantom was awake, she had gotten used to my sleeping pattern and had decided to be with me at all times possible for unknown reasons

"Of course today's my first day, I am excited to start learning "

~ Can I come with you master~

"Yes but I will have to drop you off before classes start, Pets aren't allowed during class hours"

"You are going master" Toratoad croaked, he was inside his tank that I had moved to my nightstand

"Yes, can you inform Azure when she wakes up "I said looking towards the coiled up Azure on her heating rock.

"I will master" he croaked again and jumped into the water from his resting place on a rock. I do not have to worry about my pets going hungry; I had ordered Kreacher to take care of them for me. Normally I would never have bothered the elf with such a trivial matter but I could not look after the three of them with my classes and my research.

I made my way down (read bounced) to the common room at dot 6:50.

I made it to the Great hall with the help of the Map

I closed the map before I entered the great hall

I made my way to the Hufflepuff table and sat down

Not many students were there yet but still, I spotted a handful of students from each house. Most were either excited 1st year or 5 or 7th years studying for their exams.

I pulled out a transfiguration book and started reading it. I had packed all my 1st-yearbooks, a healthy amount of chocolates (with preservation charms cast on them by Kreacher), and writing material in my customized satchel, it had of course feather-light and interior extension charms on it.

I looked at the teacher's table and spotted Professor McGonagall, Professor Quirrelmort, professor Flitwick, Professor Hooch, and professor sprout there were a few others but I couldn't recognize them. I think the one that sat to Dumbledore's left last night was Professor Aurora Sinistra the Astronomy professor

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