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I remember, the day every human turned into stone. I was just a normal highschool girl. But it all change when a mysterious green light illuminate the sky of the earth. Every one that it touches, instantly turned into stone.

June 3rd 2019

"Y/N-Chan!!!" Someone called out. I stop walking and turn my head to see who's calling out for me. I smile when I realize it's my best-friend. "Yuzuriha-Chan! Good morning!" I said, stopping to let her catch up to me.

She stops running once she stands in front of me. She take a few breath and grins at me. "Thanks for waiting for me to catch up to you, Y/N-Chan..." she said.

"Of course. I wouldn't leave my best-friend behind" I said. She smiles at me and we turn to continue our way to school. Hirosue Highschool.


"Say, Y/N-Chan..." Yuzuriha-Chan said, after a few moment of silent. Her voice snaps me out of my daze. I turn to look at her, while letting out a soft hum.

"Yes? Yuzuriha-Chan?" I asked. She smiles at me. "Are you nervous? You're going to be performing soon, right?" She said. She's talking about the stage show I'll be performing soon.

I smile at her and shakes my head. "Kind of... but I love being on stage. It's always been my dream to be a professional musician. So I have to fight the nervousness" I said. She smiles at my respond and gently pat my back.

"Although, I probably will never have the courage to sing in front of the public. Music instruments are my go to. Which is why I have been trying every musical instruments there is" I said. She nods her head at my answer. 

"That's why you're a music genius" she said. I blush at what she said. "Ah... I wouldn't call myself that. I still have a lot to learn" I said, laughing nervously. I always shy out every time someone commented about my love for music. Yuzuriha-Chan let out a laugh at my respond. I pout at her. But eventually start to laugh along.

"Anyway, I'll head to the music room now. I have to do a couple of rehearsals before going on stage..." I said. She smiles and nods her head. I stand up and wave at her. I turn around and walks away.

A While Later

I'm now sitting in the music room. I have a violin on my lap, adjusting the tunes. Once I get to the notes I want. I start to play a soft song. It's an ost from one of my favorite shows.

I have my eyes close as I keep playing the piece. I've grown used to playing musical instruments, that I'm able to play with my eyes closed. I know where each strings are located along with the keys. That's how much I love music.

I smile softly to myself once I stopped playing the piece. I jump in fright at the sound of clapping. My eyes snapped open and turn my head to see Senku. He's the best friend of my cousin, Oki Taiju.

I place my hand on my chest, feeling my heart beats rapidly from being scared a few seconds ago. "Damn, Senku... are you planning to give me a heart attack or something?" I said. He let out a laugh as he walks further inside the room.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to scare you. I was passing by and heard you playing the violin. I had to stop by and listen..." he said. I raise an eyebrow at what he said. "I thought you only love Science... didn't know that you're into music..." I said.

"There's science in everything. Even music. The way the sound travels through the air... even the way the instruments are made. It's science. Also, the way the brain reacted to the sound produced by music. How they produce dopamine which can improve your mood. Music is also the reason most people healed from their depression and other things. Did you know that by listening to classical music helps improves your memories? Which is useful when you're trying to study..." he said. I blink at his words. I didn't expect him to go full on explaining. I let out a soft giggle afterwards.

"What's so funny?" He asked, staring at me with a raised eyebrow. I cover my mouth as I stop laughing after a few seconds. "Sorry, Senku. I'm impressed at how much you love Science. You really are a science geek..." I said. He rolls his eyes at what I said.

"Says the one who knows how to play every musical instruments. Music geek" he said. I let out a giggle at his response. I place my violin down and stand up.

"So... what are you up to in the science club?" I said. He smirks at me. "Curious now, are we? Wanna take a look?" He said. I smile happily at what he said. "Oh, I'd love to" I said, nodding my head. He nods his head and gestures me to come with him. We make our way out of the music room and towards the science lab.


I sit on the chair, watching Senku working on his experiment. I don't know much about science. So I appreciate it when Senku would explain things to me every once in a while.

The door suddenly burst open to reveal my cousin. I jump at the sound. "Listen up, Senku... oh and Y/N too. I've made up my mind!" He said. I can see his face is full of determination. I raise an eyebrow as I wait for him to say what he wants to tell us.

"What is it, Taiju?" I said. "I'm going to confess the feelings I've had for Yuzuriha for the past five years!" He said. My eyes lit up at what he said. I have been trying so hard to get him to confess to Yuzuriha. But he never listens. Finally, he got the gut.

"Yeah? Well, that sure sounds interesting. I'll be cheering for you so hard that my vocal cords snap. From here in this science lab" Senku said. I turn to him and give him a straight face. Senku is pretty sarcastic when it comes to things.

"You will? Thanks Senku!" Taiju said. I shake my head. Taiju is a very simple-minded guy. "Shut up. I'm not cheering one millimeter for you, you big oaf" he said. I let out a sigh at their constant bickering.

Senku eventually offers a vial to Taiju, claiming that it contains a love potion. Taiju, being an honest guy he is... refuses to use such trick. So he pours it to the sink.

"Thanks, Senku. But sorry... I can't rely on cheap tricks. Wish me luck, Y/N. Oh, Senku... make sure to confess your feelings to your long time crush!" he said. He turns around and runs out of the room.

I turn my head to look at Senku, who's whole face turned scarlet at what Taiju just said. For some reason, I can feel my heart aches after knowing Senku have a crush on someone. Well, I shouldn't be surprise. I've been completely aware these whole time, that I've been in love with Senku.

I decide to ignore what I'm feeling for now. Even though the aching in my chest is hard to ignore. I try my best to keep it in. I don't want Senku to see the pain on my face. He'll feel burdened and I don't want to stop him from chasing his happiness. So if he likes someone... I'm going to support him. I turn my head and notice the boys gathering by the window.

They start placing bets when they see Taiju outside with Yuzuriha. I lean my elbow on the window as I watch the two of them. I notice a weird green light appearing in the sky. My eyes widened at the sight. As soon as the light hits me, I can feel my world turning dark.

*to be continued*

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