Chapter 91

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Previously on Chapter 90

"I'll help..." I said. She just nods her head without saying anything. I let out a sigh. She would flip on my if I try to tell her to rest. So I just stay quiet and helps her trying to find the source of oil from the photos we've captured so far. Goodness, Kohaku...



Kohaku and I keep searching for the source of oil from the photography. I'm not sure how long we've been doing this. But judging by how painful my back is, probably a couple of hours.

"Y/N..." someone said. I turn my head to see Senku in the doorway. He looks worried as he walks over to me. "You should get some rest in between. I can see from your expression that your back must be aching" he said.

I let out a sigh at what he said. Senku always notices the small changes in me. Heck, he even notice a tiny wound when I accidentally pricked myself with a needle during the process of making the hot air balloon.

"I'm almost done... just a little longer please" I said, turning my head to look at the photograph. I hear a sigh coming from him. I feel a hand gently grabbing my wrist. I turn my head to see Senku. He wrap my arm around his neck, while placing his arm behind my knees. I let out a yelp as he pick me up. "Senku!!" I protested.

"You're going to rest. It's not up for an argument... I'll leave the rest to you, Kohaku" he said, firmly. Kohaku didn't say anything, just keeps her eyes on the photos. I let out a huff at what he said. I just place my head on his shoulder.

"Senku, I found it!" Kohaku said, just as he's about to carry me out of the lab. He turn to face her and gently lower me down. He rushes towards Kohaku to take a look. His eyes widened when he saw the photography. I walk towards them to take a look as well.

My eyes lit up the the sight. "Great job, Kohaku!" I said. I wrap my arms around her out of happiness. I turn to look at Senku who looks just as happy as I am. She let out a giggle as she wraps her arms around me as well.

I pull away and grin. "Now, the only thing we need to do is to find it, right Senku?" I said. He lift his hand and gently ruffle my hair, while nodding his head. "Then what are we waiting for! Let's go" I said. I grab his hand but he quickly pulls me back. With his force, he managed to turn me around with the pull. I let out a yelp as he catches me with an arm around my waist.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked. I stare at him with a confused gaze. "You are going to rest..." he said, gently tapping my nose.

"But, Senku!" I said. He shushed me with his finger on my lips. He give me a stern expression, to let me know he's not going to let me argue. I let out a sigh and gently remove his finger from my lips. "Fine... just be careful out there" I said. He smiles and nod his head. He places a soft kiss on my forehead.


I sit on the ground, waiting for everyone who went to search for the oil to come back. Why did Senku made me have to stay back? I just want to help him. But he rarely allows me to, and if he do allowed me... as soon as he notice that I'm showing a sign of tiredness he would make me stop whatever I'm doing.

I know he hates when I think this way, but I can't help myself to think that I'm a burden to the Kingdom of Science. Just because I'm Senku's wife, he favors me over the others. It just doesn't seem fair to the others. I want to help out the best that I can't.

I hear footsteps and turn my head to see Senku walking up to us. He looks slightly frustrated. I stand up and walks up to him. He lift his head to look at me for a few seconds and let out a sigh, dropping his head on my shoulder.

"No luck?" I asked. He just nods his head, wrapping his arms around my waist as he pulls me closer. I let out a sigh and wrap my arms around his neck. I gently caress the back of his head, making him hum softly. "I'm sure we'll figure something out. We always do..." I said. He just tightens his arms around me.

I blink my eyes as I think of something. "Senku?" I said. He hums softly in respond. "How did the first person found the source of oil?" I asked. He pulls away to look at me. But his eyes seem to be thinking about what I asked.

His eyes widened as if he just remembers something. "The boars..." He said. He gasped and cups my cheeks. "One of the boars smelled like oil. They released it and followed it as it leads them to the source of oil! That's it, Y/N! Thank you so much!!" He cheered excitedly as he lift me up and spins us around.

We head towards where Francois is as she's about to shimmer one of the boars. But she stops as she was about to. Apparently, the boar smells like oil. Senku quickly run forward.

"Don't shimmer it!!" He yelled out. I just let out a giggle at how frantic my husband is being. The boar will be our lead to the source of oil. Senku releases the boar as it run off. We quickly chases after it, because we know it's going to lead us to the oil we've been desperately looking for.

A While Later

The boar went for a dip into a puddle of black substance. It does smells like oil. "This is the one, right?" I said. He didn't say anything and just grab a clay mug. He scoops some of the substance and place it in the mug. He drops a match, making the substance burst in flame.

"This is the one. Finally... we've found it" he said. I grin happily as I throw my arms around him from behind. He let out a laugh as he places his hand on top of mine. "It's all thanks to you, Y/N. Thank you for helping me realize the missing piece..." he said.

He turn around to face me and cup my cheek. "See, Y/N? You're more of a help than you think you are. Don't ever see yourself as a burden. Alright?" He said. I just smile at what he said and nod my head. I'm so happy that I can be of help. Senku place a soft kiss on my forehead, making me close my eyes. I'm so happy, we've found the source! Finally!!

*to be continued*

Love Is Science (Ishigami Senku X Reader) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang