Chapter 104

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Previously on Chapter 103

"I'm glad too, Senku..." I said, closing my eyes as he hugs me and Byakuya. It was a close call. If Senku had insisted that I stay behind on the ship with the others, that petrification light would have got me too. What we need to do now is figure out what happened, and how to solve it.

-We Need A Plan-


"What are we gonna do now?" I asked, after Senku pulls away from the hug. I turn to look at Senku. "If only there is someone on that ship. They can help us retrieve the lab" I said.

"That's exactly what we'd need. Let's try to get as close as we can to that ship" Senku said. He places a finger on his chin as he starts to think. "We're gonna need some sort of distraction. Make them think we're one of them. So we can sneak pass them with ease" he said.

"There's actually a way for that" Amaryllis said. We turn our heads to look at Amarylis. She starts to tell us about the way one can do to infiltrate the inner kingdom.

Apparently, the leader likes to pick out cute girls from the village in order to build harem for himself. A man named Ibara is the one who's going to choose the girls for the leader. He also didn't care if the girl is married. As long as she's cute, he would snatch them. I feel a shiver running down my spine at what he said. The leader of this village sounds like one hell of a creep.

"But who can do that?" Amaryllis said. She turns her head to look at me. She blinks her eyes a few times as she starts to smile. "Y/N's a very pretty girl. Sure she's a mother. But she doesn't look like one. Maybe we can use her?" She said.

"Yeah... not a chance. No way Y/N will act as the bait. I don't approve of that" Senku said, sternly. I turn my head to look at him. He has an expression that said it's not up for an argument or negotiation. "I'm not gonna let my wife be the one to infiltrate that kingdom. No way!" He said, crossing his arms across his chest while staring at Amaryllis with an unimpressed expression. Amaryllis let out a sigh, realizing how protective Senku is of me.

"Well then... maybe Kohaku? She's also pretty" she said, gesturing towards Kohaku. Kohaku nods her head, to let us know she's willing to go along with the plan in order to get our mobile lab. Amaryllis hands her a dress. She takes off her clothes without hesitation. "Eh??? You're changing here??" Amaryllis said, freaking out.

"Oh you mean in front of these men?" Kohaku said, as she holds her dress in one hand. I turn my head to look at Soyuz, who turns his back on Kohaku. Gen and Senku didn't look bothered at all. "One of them is a married man. And the rest just simply don't care. Plus, I'm pretty much used to it" she said.

I can see how awkward Kohaku is wearing that dress. I'm sure she feels uncomfortable, and it's clear that the dress she's wearing restricted her moves. Which means, if there's someone who would threatened us, she won't be able to fight. I'm not sure if I'm able to fight. Given the fact that I have Byakuya to care for.

Senku takes look from his binoculars, trying to see if there is anyone left in the ship. "Ah... it's Ginro..." he muttered. I let out a sigh and gently hit my forehead at what he said. I hear Amaryllis making a comment about how bad Ginro could possibly be. "It's not that he's unreliable. But in order to get back the lab... we need someone with SS strength" he said. Kohaku decides to try and get closer to the ship, to see if she can sneak in.

We watch with obvious tension as we feel worried for Kohaku's safety as she continues to approach the ship. She's gonna have to swim towards she ship to get in there. Before Kohaku could get another step, a figure suddenly jumps in and attacks her. I was right after all. Kohaku is clearly having a hard time fighting the girl because of her dress.

"Lab-Kun!!" She suddenly yelled out. I raise an eyebrow at what she said. She tries to look sad and angry at the same time. "I want Lab-Kun!!" She yelled out. I furrow my eyebrow in confusion at what she said. Why did she suddenly starts yelling out like that?

"Sorry, Y/N-Chan... please bear with it just this once" Gen said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I turn to look at him with a confused gaze. "Lab-Kun... you need to go find her!" He said, pushing Senku forward. He continue to push Senku until he came into their views. Just what is that man planning?

My eyes widen when Kohaku pulls Senku into a kiss. I look away from them and place my back against the boulder. I know that's probably just to distract that girl, and they're probably not actually kissing. But the sight still stings for me to witness.

Senku P.O.V

Kohaku suddenly kisses my cheek. My eyes widen a little at her action. Y/N... I hope she's not witnessing this. I don't want her to think wrong of me.

The girl walks away, making Kohaku pulls away from me. I wipe my cheek from her kiss and turn to look at her. "What do you think you're doing? If Y/N saw that, she's going to misunderstood and think something is going on with us!" I hissed. I turn to look at Gen who tried to walk away.

I squint my eyes at him. "I'm gonna deal with you later, you damn mentalist. We need to focus on getting the lab back" I said, pointing my finger at him while glaring at him. He gulps at what I said. I turn my head to look at the direction we were hiding from. Y/N's not within my sight. Damn it... I sure hope she's not going to take this the wrong way.



The lab that have been disguised to look like some kind of beast finally left the place. It's a good idea that we made it hybrid, so it can move on water too. We make our way inside to see Suika is the one driving.

"Suika... that's awesome job" I said. She turn around to look at me. She throws her arms around my neck, while making sure she didn't squish Byakuya. I can feel her body trembling a little. Which lets me know that she's still shaken up. "It's okay, Suika. You're safe..." I said, gently caressing her head.

I turn my head and make eye-contact with Senku. A flash of what happened earlier replays itself in my head. Once again, I feel the sting in my heart. I turn my head away from him as I focus on calming Suika.

I shouldn't think negatively about Senku. I know that he loves me. But I can't control what I feel. So this is what he felt whenever he sees me around Ukyo, knowing he used to be my lover. Now I understand how hurt he was. It's not pleasant at all.

*to be continued*

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