Chapter 2

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Previously on Chapter 1

Eventually, I start to feel tired from crying. I turn to lay on my side, curling up into a fetal position. I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.

-Melody Of Nature-


I carve on the tree under my shelter to let me know how many days have passed since I woke up. I place my hand on the carved bark. It's been almost one month since I woke up in the middle of this forest.

Although, it's not as hard as I thought it would be. I still struggle to get a few things. Being the only human in this world, makes me realize how lonely and how much I need other human.

It's currently around noon. I have just finished my meal. Today, I manage to catch a wild deer. Of course, I take the deer's skin and make a small bag out of it.

I sit on the log and stare at the sky. Is there anybody out there? I look down and see my flute which is still strapped on my belt. I take it off and bring it to my lips. I close my eyes as I start to play a soft melody.

This is the melody I played on the last day before this whole thing happened. I was suppose to perform a few days after that... and it was suppose to be my biggest performance. A step closer in achieving what I longed to be. But looks like I'd never have a chance to.

Eventually, the song comes to an end. I wipe a tear that manage to slip out of my eyes. I let out a sigh as I stare at the ground in front of me.

I hear footsteps coming to a stop behind me. I reach over and grab my archery. I quickly load it and turn around, ready to attack whatever it is. But I manage to stop myself at the last minute when I realize what it is... no, who it is.

My eyes widened as I stare at the person in front of me. "S-Senku..." I said. "Y/N... you're alive" he said. "You're alive..." I said, staring at him as tears starts to build up in my eyes.

I choke out a sob as I drop my archery and run towards him. I throw my arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. He manage to stay on his feet as he catches me in his arms.

I pull away from the hug and smiles at him. "I'm so happy to know that I'm not the only one..." I said. He smiles and nods his head. "Me too..." he said.

A While Ago

Senku P.O.V

I was walking around, trying to look for something to eat. I stop on my track when I hear something. I close my eyes, straining my ears to try and listen. There's no mistaking it. I'm 10 billion percent sure that's the sound of music. Not just any music... I know this music anywhere.

I turn around and instantly runs towards the sound. I eventually come to a clearing. I stop running and walk closer. I stare at the person as she plays the song. Her back is facing me, but I know who she is.

She eventually stops playing. I take a deep breath and walks closer. I should probably call out for her in case she thinks I'm a threat. But my voice just won't come out no matter how hard I try to let it out.

She eventually becomes alerted. She quickly stands up and points an arrow at me. I lift my hands up in a surrender manner. She lowers her hand as soon as she realize who I am.

"S-Senku..." she said. I take one step forward. "Y/N... you're alive" I said. She drops her archery and runs towards me. I open my arms, welcoming her in my embrace.

I stumble a little when she throws herself at me. But I manage to stay balance. Normally, I don't like being hugged. But after such a long time being alone. This embrace feels nice.

"I'm so happy to know that I'm not the only one..." she said, after pulling away from me. I smile softly and nod my head. "Me too..." I said. After months, I finally found someone who survived the petrification aside from myself... and I'm so glad it's Y/N. The girl I've been in love with for as long as I can remember.

My stomach suddenly lets out a rumbling sound. Y/N blinks in surprise as she stares at me. I can feel a blush appear on my cheeks. Gosh, first time meeting the girl I love, my stomach have to grumble like this. This is 10 billion percent embarrassing.

Y/N let out a soft laugh as she smiles at me. "Are you hungry, Senku? Shall we go for a hunt?" I asked. I let out a nervous laugh and nods my head. "Yeah, sure" I said. She smiles and walks over to grab her archery. Where did she even get that? Did she make them? Out of scratch??


I grab my archery and turn to see Senku is staring at me. I raise an eyebrow. "Why are you staring at me like that, Senku?" I said. He blinks his eyes and looks away. "N-Nothing..." he said. I let out a giggle at his response. "Come on, let's go hunting" I said. He nods his head and follows me.

I crouched down on the ground, letting the grass covers me. Senku is crouching down next to me. I ready my arrow and points it at a wild boar. I close an eye as I take aim. I release the arrow and it hits right on the boar's eye.

"Impressive..." he said. I grin at him and stand up. I make my way over to the wild boar. I grab it's leg and turn to look at Senku. He grabs the other leg and we take it with us back to our spot.


Senku happily eats the wild boar, while I make some more arrow because the one I have is almost out. I'm going to need a lot for the next hunting and defense.

"Say, Senku..." I said, as I place my arrows inside the quiver. He turns to look at me. "Yeah?" He said. "Do you know how long the time have passed?" I asked. "It's been 116.763.120.000 seconds. So, in short, it's been 3,700 years" he said. My eyes widened at what he said.

"Were you counting the seconds??" I asked. "How else would I know?" He said. I let out giggle and shakes my head. "Typical Senku..." I said. He rolls his eyes and laughs along with me.

"How long have you been awake for?" He asked. "I think about a month... you?" I asked. "About 5 months..." he said. "Wow... you must be the first one to get depetrified" I said. He shrugs his shoulders. "Probably..." he said.

I let out a sigh and look forward. "How did you know how to make those?" Senku said. I turn to look at him to see him pointing at my archery. "When I was little, my dad used to teach me how to hunt. He said it's important because we never know when we'll need it. It looks like he was right..." I said. My eyes saddened at the thought of my dad.

"Hey..." Senku said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to look at him. "It'll be alright. At least, we have each other now. We'll 10 billion percent going to get through this" he said, smiling softly at me. I smile back at him. Yeah... at least I'm not alone anymore. I have Senku by my side.

*to be continued*

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