Chapter 10

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Previously on Chapter 9

"So that did hurt him..." Senku said. As I kneel down next to Taiju with Yuzuriha. "Let's not fight among ourselves. You protect Yuzuriha and Y/N. While I do my own things..." he said. I clench my hands into a tight fist. I should have tried harder in trying to look for the ingredients. Damn it!

-Running Away-


After making Taiju awake by his usual comment. We head inside the lab and start to destroy everything. I wince at the shattering sound. We worked so hard to make these. But we have to destroy it. Then we make a run for it.

Not too far though, once we're far enough... we start to walk at a normal pace. I'm walking next to Senku while the Taiju and Yuzuriha following close behind us. I have a small pack on my back. My quiver on one shoulder and my bow in my hand.

Out of the corner of my eyes. I found the plant that I've been looking for a while. I grin at the sight and rush to take it.

"Oi! Where are you running off to?" Senku said. I take it and stuff it inside my pack. I walk back to the others. They stare at me with a confused expression. "Sorry... I was looking for something" I said. "What are you looking for? Let me help..." Taiju said. "It's fine... I found it" I said.

"What was it anyway?" Senku asked. I lift my finger and place it on my lips. "Secret~" I said. He let out a sigh at what I said. Senku isn't the type to force people to answer. A secret is a secret. He didn't press it if people won't tell him.

Senku takes out a sextant. "What is that?" Taiju said. I turn to look at him. "It's called a sextant. It's use to measure distance by the position of the sun. Right, Senku?" I said, turning to Senku. He turns to look at me and grin.

"10 billion points for you, Y/N. However, this thing is useless. But then again. It's all we have" he said. I let out a sigh and look forward. Our destination is Hakone. There's a volcanic mountain located in that place. Senku wants to create gunpowders from the black sand. It's our best bet in defeating Tsukasa.

I turn my head just in time to see Yuzuriha running of. The three of us instantly chases after her. "Where are you going, Yuzuriha-Chan!" I called out. She just keeps running without answering me. Guess we have no choice but to follow her.

Eventually we come to a clearing. There's a huge Buddha statue. Which means we're here in Hakone. I hear a soft sniffle and turn my head to see Yuzuriha shedding tears.

"Who made you cry, Yuzuriha? Was it me??" Taiju said, pointing at himself. "No! It's not that I'm crying. Wait... I am. But I was just feeling a little  nostalgic..." she said. My eyes soften at what she said. She told me she used to visit this place when she was little with her parents.

There's also a hot spring here. Senku is the only one who keeps gathering the black sand. We create a wood plank, to separate the hot spring. I get inside the hot spring with Yuzuriha, while Taiju is on the other side.

I turn my head slightly. I notice Senku gathering the black sand. A soft smile makes it way to my face. He always seem so happy when it comes to do science related stuff.

"You're staring... do you like him or something?" Yuzuriha whispers. I jump at the sound of her voice. I turn to look at her. "Huh?" I said. "Senku... do you like Senku?" She said. I stayed silent at her words. I let myself sink into turn water, as an attempt to hide.

"Hey, Y/N-Chan! You're going to suffocate!" She said. Her voice sounded a little off, because I'm being underwater. But I can still manage to make out what she's saying. She reaches under my armpits and pulls me out.


We have the ingredients to make the gunpowder we need. Senku starts explaining what to add, while he mix them. I remember something and stand up.

"I'll be right back... I need to do something" I said. He turn to look at me. "Just don't take too long, okay?" He said. I smile and nod my head. I turn around and walks away. I have to get it done. If the gunpowder is a fail... we're going to need plan B.


I walk back to where the others are. I look up and my eyes widened. Tsukasa have Yuzuriha as a hostage. I quickly run towards them. I stand next to Senku as I glare at Tsukasa.

"Let her go, you bastard!" I yelled. Tsukasa eyes turn to look at me. He didn't faze at all. He just give me a cold gaze. Anyone would feel shivers running down their spine by the way he stares. He turns to look at Senku.

"Will you promise here and now, for all eternity, that you'll abandon science?" He said. I raise an eyebrow at what he said. "That's ridiculous! Why would he do that?? Why would he give up his love for science for someone like you??" I said, glaring at him. Senku lift his arm in front of me.

"I'll do the talking, Y/N..." he said. I clenched my hand into tight fists. I turn to look at Tsukasa. "If you do, I won't have to kill you, Senku" he said. He totally ignores what I said. I narrow my eyes at what he said.

"I can't do that..." Senku said. Tsukasa heaves out a sigh at what he said. I stand in front of Senku. "Don't even think about it! I'm won't to let you hurt him" I said. Tsukasa swings his fist and landed a punch on my stomach. I fall on my knees at the impact. I place my hand on my stomach, letting out a pained sound.

Senku cracks his neck. "Do it in one blow... making me bleed out forever wouldn't be logical for either of us..." he said. Tsukasa have his eyes close. "I'll bust your cervical nerve in one blow..." he said. I try to stand up, but the pain in my stomach is preventing me from doing that.

I reach inside my pouch. But before I could do anything. Tsukasa swings his spear. My eyes widened in horror as a loud crack can be heard. Senku falls on the ground. His eyes have no light in them. Tears starts to stream down my cheeks at the sight.


*to be continued*

Love Is Science (Ishigami Senku X Reader) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora