Chapter 56

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Previously on Chapter 55

We must catch Homura before she finds out about our plan, and about the cell phone. That cell phone is our only hope at turning the table and win the war.

-Mission: Catch Homura-


Senku have prepared an ultraviolet flashlight. Which lit up all the gems that we have turned into powder. He have placed those on Homura's hands and legs. The moment he turned it on, the trails where the spy have stepped or touched lit up. We quickly run, with the trails as our guide.

"I could behead her with my sword. Am I free to kill?" Kohaku suddenly said. "Have you ever killed anyone before?" I said, without looking at her. She stays silent for a few seconds. "Of course not..." she said. I let out a sigh and turn to her with a serious expression.

"It's not that simple, Kohaku. It was hard... even for me and I was trained to kill. But right at the moment where I actually have to take the person's life... it was a struggle. That's why I had to go through an intense trainings and tortures, in order to get me into that state" I said.

"By that state... you mean-" she said. I nod my head. "Yeah. Assassin mode. The state where I'd lose all my senses and go on a killing spree" I said, looking down. I shake my head and let out a sigh. I turn to look at Kohaku.

"So if there's any killing that needed to be done. I'll be the most capable of that job. It's something I have grown used to since I was a kid. As gruesome as it could get. It's part of me..." I said. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to see Senku.

"You don't have to think about that anymore. You're not an assassin anymore. And we're trying to avoid any bloodshed. So you don't have to worry about that" Senku said. I just give him a soft smile.

"Yeah... you're right. Let's go... we have to catch Homura before she finds Chrome and the others" I said. He nods his head in agreement. We turn around and starts to run again.


"This is bad... the light ends after this river" Kohaku said. I click my tongue in annoyance. "Damn it... she washed all the powder off. She must have noticed it glowing in the morning sun" Senku said, cursing under his breath.

Senku and Gen starts to exchange messages through Morse code, since we can't talk to them without exposing our plan. It's the safest way. It's lucky for us to be able to know about Morse Code.

"I have plan..." I said, earning everyone's attention. "Shoot" Senku said. "Now that we've figured out Homura's route. We can place a trap, making her think we've set something on a high tree. As soon as she's on that tree. We have Kinro and Magma cut that tree down. It will send her off balance and falls off. That's when Kohaku comes in and catch her" I said. Senku nods his head at what I said.

"That's a brilliant plan. Okay, let's do that" he said. He quickly starts to send the message to Gen. He nods his head at me, as a sign that Gen have got the message. Now we just have to put the plan into motion.

A While Later

We hide not far from the trap we've set. Everyone is dead silent. I have my eyes close as I try to listen to any changes around us. They snap open when I hear something climbing. I open my eyes and notice the girl climbing up the tree.

I turn to look at Senku and give him a hand sign. He got the picture and gesture Kinro and Magma to start cutting the tree down. They do as told and quickly cuts it down.

Homura begins falling from the tree. "Now!" I yelled. Kohaku jumps forward catches her. I grin as they land safely on the ground, with Homura in Kohaku's handle.

We all walk out of our hiding spot. Senku wraps his arm around my shoulder as we smirk at Homura. "You may be fast. But if we know everything about when and where you showed up, we can capture you unharmed" Kohaku said. I grin at Homura.

"I told you that you can't run from us forever. We'd catch you anyway" I said. I turn to look at Senku. He turns to me and smiles. "Exhilarating, isn't it? This is information warfare, brought you to by the Kingdom of Science" he said. She starts pouting as Kohaku tie her up.

"Should I make her paralyzed?" I said. Kohaku turn to look at me. "That won't be necessary. I've tied her up... she won't be able to move much" she said. I just hum and nod my head.

Chrome, Gen and Magma waves at us. They head off to finally be able to deliver the cell phone to Tsukasa empire without any disturbance. With the advance party on their ways.

The rest of us head back to the village, this time with a new addition. Although, I won't call her as a part of us... since she's still the enemy of our kingdom of science. Now, all we need to do is wait for a phone call from Taiju and Yuzuriha.


It's already the next day. Senku and I sit in front of the cell phone, waiting anxiously for Yuzuriha and Taiju's call. Hopefully, the call will be from them or it'll be a total fail.

"If someone from the Tsukasa's army finds the cell phone first, we're done" Suika said. She have the same worry as me. I turn to look at her and smiles. I place my hand on top her watermelon mask. She turns her head to look at me.

"It'll be fine... I'm sure no one will" I said. Senku have a cool smile on his face. "Y/N's right. They have a mentalist with them. They're not going to make it obvious. Besides, those two will be fine. They're a tag team of diligence and tenacity" Senku said. "Yeah... I'm sure they'll find it no matter the situation" I said. Senku turns to look at me and smiles softly.

The phone suddenly starts to ring, causing everyone to stiffen up. Senku is the first to react and picks it up with no hesitation, grabbing the cone shaped speaker. We are meet with silence.

"Yo!" He said. I can hear a soft gasp coming from the other side of the lines. "Senku!!!" Someone yelled out. I grin happily, instantly recognizing it as my cousin's voice. Senku gently move the cone closer to me.

"Hello, Taiju. It's been a while, huh?" I said, trying to hold myself from crying. "Y/N-Chan!!" I can hear my best-friends voice. I smile softly. "Yuzuriha-Chan. Oh it's so good to hear your voice again after so long"I said, finally letting a tear escape my eyes. I can hear her giggling softly. It's so good to finally hear the voices of my cousin and best friend. I'm so glad that they're both okay.

*to be continued*

Love Is Science (Ishigami Senku X Reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin