Chapter 87

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Previously on Chapter 86

"We did it, Senku!" I cheered happily. He chuckles and wraps his arms around me, returning the embrace. It sure took a long time. But we've finally did it. New map of Japan: Acquired!

-First Crop In The Stone World-


After days to days of only eating fish, Ryusui starts to throw a tantrum. He whined about wanting to eat meat and a lot of other luxurious dishes. As much as Ryusui's whining gets on my nerve. I also can't help but miss some of the food I used to enjoy back then.

I feel an arm gently drape around my shoulder. I turn my head to see Senku. He let out a light chuckle as he stare at Ryusui. I gently give his rib a nudge. He turn his head to look at me.

"What's your plan, Senku?" I asked. He smiles at me and gently places a soft kiss on my cheek. I flinched at his sudden action. I hit his shoulder, making him flinched and wince at my action. But he still laughs anyway. "Senku!" I whined, because he keeps catching me off guard from his sudden act of affection.

"What? I was only showing love to my wife. And I'm sure we'll find something that we'd be able to grow on our crops. It's time to start agriculture..." he said. My eyes lit up at what he said. Once we have the crop we need, the source of food will be more stable. We won't have to experience hunger anymore.


After scouring the areas, we finally found a good source of wheat. We'll gather some of them and use them as the seeds we'll need for our crops. We deliver the wheat to Tsukasa's territory, because they have a larger field than ours.

Senku and I stand in front of the phone, we're talking to the people from Tsukasa's side. We need to make sure how they're doing over there. Can they get everything under control and how's the crop doing.

Seems like Taiju actually listened when Senku explained the function of potassium carbonate from the seashells. I am so impressed with him. He manage to create a fertile land for the wheats.

"Well done, Taiju!!" I said, praising my cousin. I turn to look at Senku and grins. He smiles softly at me. He wrap his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to his side. I place my head on his with my arm wrapping around his torso.


They have delivered the crop here. So we can start to try and make some decent food. Senku suggested that we should try to make some breads. I turn my head to look at Ryusui to see him fantasizing about having some fancy breads. I let out a sigh at what he said. Of course, he'd want that kind of food. But with the limited source and not to mention, we have no experienced on culinary... it would be impossible for us to make that kind of breads.

"Don't expect too much from me... I never made a bread before" Senku said. He walks towards the oven and pulls out the bread. It looks burnt. Senku and Ryusui looks so disappointed. Senku pick one up and take a bite. He kneel on the ground with a dejected look on his face. The bread obviously would taste bitter.

"There there... it's okay. You already warned us not to expect too much" I said, kneeling down next to him and gently pat his back. He let out a sigh. He turn to look at me. I give him a soft smile. I cup the side of his cheek and give his lips a quick peck. "I'm sure that we'll be able to figure something out... like we always do" I said.

I jump when Ryusui suddenly lets out a yell. I turn my head to look at him. "We need a real cook!!" He yelled out. I let out a huffed at what he said. I stand up and place my hands on my hips.

"And how exactly are we going to look for one? Not to mention, we don't have any revival fluid left" I said. He just laughs confidently. As if he knows exactly who could have some revival fluid left.

Which turns out he's right. Minami kept some revival fluid with her. Now we just have to wait for the person Ryusui mentioned to come. He said the butler/chef's name is Francois. Judging by the name, they could be a man. But there's a lot of women named with a men's name. So I'm not sure. Guess we just have to wait.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I notice a woman with blond hair walking behind Ryusui. I hear a groan and turn my head to see Gen. "3 days walking... non-stop. How ad-bay..." he whined. He drop on the ground, exhausted.

I walk off to grab some water for Gen. While Senku and the others will start preparing the ingredients for a proper bread. I pour water into the clay mug and make my way towards Gen, who's still laying on the ground.

"Here... drink this" I said, handing him the mug. He take it from me and smiles gratefully. He starts chugging the drink. I just smile softly. He must be so thirsty after he escorted Francois for 3 days.

I turn around and walk towards Senku. I notice he's kneading a dough. Senku turns to me and smiles softly. "What kind of bread are you making?" I asked, turning to look at Senku. He just smiles at me, making me pout at his reaction. I know that he's trying to say that I should just wait and see.

I turn to look at Francois. "What bread are you making?" I asked her instead. She opens her mouth but notice how Senku is telling her to keep quiet. I let out a huff and roll my eyes.

He let out a chuckle. He lift his hand, gently pinching my cheek. I swat his hand away from my cheek and rub it, trying to clean the powder from my cheek while pouting at him. He gently move my hand so he can place a kiss on my cheek.

"You still not gonna tell me?" I asked. He just grins at me. I let out a sigh and shake my head. "Fine... guess I'll just have to wait" I said, making Senku nod his head. Why do I get such a mysterious husband?

*to be continued*

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