Chapter 116

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Previously on Chapter 115

"Y/N-Kun... didn't expect to see you again" he said. I just stare at him, without saying anything. I know the situation we're in is quite urgent. We have no choice but to revive him so he can fight of Moz. But what are we gonna do if he turn on us? Oh Senku... I sure hope you know what you're doing.

-Battle Between Skilled Fighters-


Gen managed to convince Hyoga to fight against Moz. I watch as Senku gently pulls me aside as Hyoga lunges at Moz. He grabs my hand, gently pulling me along with him as we rush out of the storage room.

I turn to look over my shoulder. Hyoga is a bad person. Especially as I remember what he did in the past, and how he killed my brother. But I still don't want him to get hurt. As much as I hate what I was before. The skills he taught me were the reason I managed to survive and managed to help Senku gain respect from the villagers.

"He's gonna be fine, Y/N..." Senku said. I turn to look at him and nod my head. My grip on his hand becomes firmer as I focus forward and runs along with him. I bit my lips as I think about Hyoga again. My pace slowed as I stop running. Senku turn to look at me in confusion. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"I have to help him..." I said. He shakes his head, clearly expressing his disapproval with my comment. He opens his mouth to speak, but I cut him off by pecking his lips. "I know you're scared... I know you're worried. But I'm gonna be okay. I promise..." I said. I turn around and runs back to where Hyoga and Moz are. I hear Senku screaming my name but I keep going without looking back.

Senku P.O.V

"No, Y/N! Come back!!" I yelled. I try to chase after him but a hand grab my wrist to stop me. I turn my head to see Gen. "Let go! I'm not going to let my wife put herself in danger!" I said.

"Senku-Chan! You shouldn't forget who Y/N-Chan is! She's a very skilled fighter no matter how you try to dismiss that! Have faith in her!" He said. I know that Y/N is more than capable of handling herself. But the thought of her getting hurt. A flash of image of Y/N lying on her sick bed after the battle with Hyoga flash into my head. I shut my eyes tightly. "We have to go... Hyoga-Chan needs help. He's not going to be able to fight properly with his current spear!" He said. I click my tongue as I try to push aside the hesitation. I turn around and follows him as we run. Please be safe, Y/N... I can't risk losing you again.


I watch as Hyoga tries to fight Moz. He won't be able to fight properly with that weapon. I jump forward behind Moz and hit the pressure point of his shoulder. His arm went limp as he turn to look at me.

"Ah... I didn't expect this from you, my dear flower. I thought you're a gentle girl. But seems like you're more than what you let out" he said. I just glare at him. My eyes widen when his arm can move again. He shouldn't be able to recover that quick.

"Why of course... Y/N-Kun here is a skilled assassin. I trained her to be" Hyoga said. I glance at him. I notice the mark on his chin has disappeared. I guess that's what happens after we get un-petrified the second time.

I pull out a pair of stone daggers from my waist band. I hid it there just in case. Senku didn't know I have these on me. I know he's not gonna be happy about the fact that I had kept a weapon with me.

"But no matter. I'm also into skilled fighter. Although, I would have preferred you're just a simple and gentle little flower. So I can be the one to protect you" Moz said, winking at me. I cringed in disgust at what he said.

"Yeah... thank you very much. But that's certainly isn't necessary. Also, I have a husband" I said. I lunges at him with my daggers ready. I duck away as he swing his weapon at me. Hyoga appears behind me as he attacks Moz. Hyoga and I have battled together before, so we're pretty much in sync when it comes to teaming up.


I breathe heavily from exhaustion. Moz is just strong. It's a struggle to fight him even though there's two of us and he's all by himself. I turn to look at Hyoga. He gestures towards the ocean with his eyes. In an instant, I can tell what he meant. We need to flee from the ship. We need to find Senku as he would be trying to create something that would help Hyoga fight better so we both can fight with our full strength.

Hyoga and I jumps into the water. We start swimming to the shore. I run behind Hyoga as we run towards the bamboo forest where Senku would be. I notice an object flying towards us.

"Hyoga!" I yelled out. Hyoga gets the picture and put the spear at an angle. A cut out bamboo slips into the wooden stick. I smirk triumphantly as I realize the table is about to turn. He turn to look at me.

"Are you ready, Y/N-Kun? Just like old time..." he said. I smirk and nod my head. I lift my daggers higher as we turn to look at Moz. "It's time I show you the real skill of true warriors. Y/N... you know what to do" he said. I just nod my head. I stare at Moz with a cold gaze. It's been a while since I flipped the switch.

I swiftly lunges forward towards Moz. He swings his weapon at me. I duck and use my daggers, cutting through the wooden part of his weapon. I move out of the way, allowing Hyoga to do his part of the battle.

The two of us managed to corner Moz. He let out a low chuckle as he closes his eyes. "Looks like I've been defeated... big time. You're one strong woman, my dear flower. You too... Hyoga, was it?" He said.

I turn my head and notice a green light. My eyes widen at the sight. But there's no point in trying to run. It's going to be futile. So I just close my eyes, deciding to accept my fate. I feel my surrounding turns dark as the green light makes contact wihh to me. I'm trapped in stone once again. But I'm not worried nor scared, as I  believe in Senku. Senku... I know that you'll come and save me.

I'll be waiting for you...

*to be continued*

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