Chapter 119

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Previously on Chapter 118

Fireworks that belonged in the modern days. Now can be watch here in the Stone Age. It's just like the things Senku always said. One step at a time... we'll bring back civilization.

-Return to the Village-


Soyuz told us he wants to stay behind. He wants to live up to his father and be the chief this village needs him to be. Of course, Senku and I decide to respect his choice. Now that we have managed to get our hands on the petrification device, it's time for us to return home.

We also un-petrified a young man named Matsukaze. He seems to think Ginro is a young lord or some sort. Which obviously he isn't. But Ginro being the sleazy man he is, asked him to treat him as the precious lord. I'm honestly so embarrassed having to know someone like him. Even so, he's still my friend.

I stand near the funnel of the ship with Byakuya in my arms. I watch as the Treasure Island gradually becomes smaller the further we sail. I'm gonna miss this place. I know there's only hardship during our time here. But in the end, the people here turns out to be very friendly as well as civil. They're all pretty welcoming towards us. I kind of feel sad that we have to leave. But I'm sure we'd see each other again in the future.

I feel an arm gently drape around my shoulder. I turn my head to see Senku. He turn to look at me and smiles softly. "We finally obtained what we came here for... now we're going to the next step. Just like I always said... slow and steady will beat the race" he said. I smile softly at what he said and nod my head. I turn my to look forward. I feel a soft kiss on the side of my head. I smile softly to myself as I place my head on his shoulder.

Senku turn me to face him. He lift his hand, gently cupping my cheek. "And as long as I have you by my side. I'll be able to conquer anything. I love you, Y/N" he said.

"I love you too, Senku" I said, making him smile happily. He slowly leans in. I just stay still, waiting for his lips to touch mine. But before he could, a tiny hand smack his cheek, which startles him. I blink my eyes in confusion and turn my head to see Byakuya is the one hitting him.

"M... My mama" he said, hugging my neck. I blink in surprise my eyes at what he said. I turn my head to look at Senku who stared at Byakuya in disbelief. Neither of us expected this would happen.

"Okay, listen here, kid" Senku said, grabbing Byakuya out of my arms. He lifted him up high while giving him a playful stern gaze. "She may be your mama. But she's my woman first. So you can't hog her. Your papa also needs her attention. Do you understand?" He said.

"Wahhhhh!!!" Byakuya wailed, frailing his arms. His sudden outburst startled Senku who flinched as he stared at his son with his eyes wide. "Dada bad! My mama!" Byakuya cried loudly. Senku gradually grows panicked by his son's little tantrum. Byakuya turn his body to face me, making grabby hands at me. "Mama!!" He whined. I let out a giggle as I pick him up in my arms. He wraps his arms around my neck.

"There there..." I said, in a soft voice while gently patting his back. I turn to look at Senku who still look like he's trying to calm down. I let out a giggle at the expression he's making as I turn my focus on our son.

Byakuya remove his head from my shoulder to look at me. "Mama... mine?" He asked, as he stares at me with his doe eyes that are full of tears. I smile softly and gently places a soft kiss on his cheek. He lift his small hands, placing them on my cheeks. "Mama... mine, wight?" He asked again, with a sad tone.

"Of course, honey... mama belongs to you" I said. I hear a protest and turn my head to look at Senku who have his hands on his hip. I let out a laugh at his face. I hold our son close as I stick my tongue out at him. He huffed at my reaction.

Byakuya starts to yawn as he blinks his eyes sleepily as he place his head on my shoulder again. I adjust him so he'd be comfortable in my arms. Soon I hear a hushed snore from him. I turn to look at Senku and smiles at him. I turn around, making our way towards our room.

I place Byakuya inside his crib. I lean down, placing a soft kiss on his little head after adjusting his blanket. I stand straight as I admire his peaceful face. I feel a pair of arms around my waist. I turn my head to look at Senku.

"Damn... he really stole all your attention, huh?" He said, sulking slightly. I let out a giggle. I turn around in his arms to face him. He stares at me with a pout. I smile softly as I gently pat his cheek.

"Oh don't be like that, Senku. Baby Byakuya is our son" I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. He let out a sigh as he pulls me close, burying his face into the crook of my neck. "You have to understand that Byakuya is still a baby. He would need a lot of attention. Not just attention from me... but from you as well" I said.

"Don't get me wrong... I love Byakuya" he said. I raise an eyebrow at what he said. He gently leans his forehead with mine. "But I'm starting to miss when it's just the two of us. When all your attention is directed to me and just me" he said. My eyes widen at what he said.

"Senku! How could you think like that?" I said, lightly hitting his chest. He just smile apologetically at me. I know he didn't mean what he said. He only misses the time we have together. "But I understand what you're trying to say... you're jealous, huh?" I said. He huffed at what I said. But he didn't say anything to deny it.

"Anyway... now that Byakuya is finally asleep" he said. I raise an eyebrow in confusion, wondering what he's implying. He removed his arms from my waist, going behind my knees and back instead. I let out a yelp when he scoops me up in his arms. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck. He let out a chuckle at my reaction. He gently nudge his nose against mine, which makes my cheeks grow warmer. "You better pay attention to me" he said. I huffed at what he said.

He let out a chuckle and walks over to the bed. He gently places me down and tuck himself next to me. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me close with his head resting on my chest. I just smile softly as I start to play with his hair.

"I love you, Y/N..." he said. He moves his head to look at me. He smiles softly as his red eyes stares into my e/c ones. "So much" he said, leaning up to place a quick kiss on my lips.

"I love you too, Senku" I said. He smiles at what I said. He leans in, finally placing a proper kiss against my lips. I close my eyes as I gently kiss him back. He moves slightly so his body is hovering above mine. I slowly wrap my arms around his neck.

We pull away when we desperately need to breathe. He drop his body on top of me. I just start to play with his hair once again. I hear a soft snore coming from him not long after. I smile softly to myself as I kiss his forehead. I close my eyes, letting myself drift off to sleep.

*to be continued*

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