Chapter 81

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Previously on Chapter 80

I let out a sigh and nod my head, knowing what he said is right. But I don't like this Ryusui guy. I have a feeling that he might be a trouble. But well, let's just give him a chance. If he cause trouble for Senku or the rest of us, he'll surely get a piece of my mind.

-What Did I Get Myself Into?-


Just like I had initially thought. Ryusui turned out to be a problem. He's too greedy for his own good. As soon as he sees our ship framework. He instantly wants to claim it as his.

He even made Senku create a currency called dragos. That man... he's only been here for less than a day, he already acted like he's a king. Such a spoiled brat. But then again, he's our only hope in crossing the ocean.

I stand next to Senku as Ryusui keeps on claiming all the thing he set his eyes on. "Are you sure he won't be a problem, Senku?" I asked. He turns to look at me and gently wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"We just have to keep an eye on him. We don't have much of a choice. He's the best candidate we need for the captain position" he said. I let out a sigh and nod my head. If Senku believes so... then I have no choice but to go along with him. Senku would never decide thinks irrationally. He'd always think things through before making choices.

I'm currently sitting on a rock, because Senku told me to rest since I'm still recovering. My back have healed, but it would start aching at a random time. So, I need to take a break every once in a while.

I'm holding my guitar in my lap, trying to think of what song I should play. I close my eyes as I start to play random melody. Until my mind settles on one specific song. I start to adjust the tone of the guitar and start to play the song.

Oh, but what is lost ain't gone
No, you can't just let go
'Cause it's a part of you that will make you strong
Embrace your flaws
I'm not gonna fight back what I've become
Yeah, I've got bruises where I came from
But I wouldn't change if I could restart
I ain't gonna hide these beautiful scars
I've been going way too hard on myself
Guess that it's the reason that I'm feeling like hell
But I wouldn't change if I could restart
I ain't gonna hide these beautiful scars

This song is exactly how I felt. I may grew up to be an assassin, because it was a lifestyle that was forced upon me. But then again, if it weren't for that... I would have never gotten a chance to meet amazing people like Ukyo.

Without the skill I had as an assassin, I would have been screwed in this stone world. We would have never have a chance against Tsukasa's empire. Since despite my passed as an assassin, these people still trusts me. I also played a part in training Kohaku and the others trained.

Soon the song comes to an end. I open my eyes to see everyone gathering around me. I blush out of embarrassment and covers my face in my hands. I didn't expect everyone to gather around me!! Gosh this is embarrassing!!!

Senku chuckles as he walks towards me. "Come on, Y/N. There's no need to be so embarrassed about it. You're a talented musician. Thanks to you, we have hope in restoring modern music" he said. He offers his hand to me. I place the guitar down and accept his hand. He pulls me to his embrace which makes me blush, since there's still a lot of people here.

"Senku... there's a lot of people..." I muttered. He let out a laugh and shakes his head. "You never learn, huh? I told you that I don't care... people can watch if they want to" he said, leaning his forehead against mine.

Everyone starts awwwing at us. I blush deep shade of red and bury my face into the crook of his neck. He wraps his arms around me, placing a soft kiss on the side of my head. Senku is becoming more and more bold.


Yuzuriha is working non-stop in trying to create fabrics. Senku needs them to make air balloon. But of course, not all the fabric are created well. So they are pretty much unusable.

Senku and Gen came up with an idea to create a clothes store. Yuzuriha, who initially was exhausted. She instantly perks up at the mention. She looks so eager to do it. So Senku and Gen just let her do what she wants.

I decided to go and see if she'd need any help. I walk towards her tent, to see Kinro and Ginro in front of her tent. I walk over to them and notice their faces. They look horrified.

"What's up with you both?" I asked. Ginro jumped at my voice, while Kinro remained unfazed. "Your best friend have gone berserk" Ginro said. I turn my head to look inside the tent. Yuzuriha's personality have changed to 180 degrees.

"That's just how she is... she's pretty passionate when it comes to craft" I said. "Y/N's right. That's normal for Yuzuriha" Taiju said, who's just passing by. The two brothers just nods their heads. They turn around and walks off.

"Yuzuriha-Chan?" I said. She stops and turns to look at me. "Yes, Y/N-Chan?" She said, going back to her cheerful self. I smile and walks inside her tent. "Is there any way I can help?" I asked. She places her finger on her chin as she thinks about it.

"I don't need help in making the clothes. But I do need your help in modeling them..." she said. She grins and holds out one of her creation. My eyes widened at what she's holding.

"You seriously going to make me wear that?!" I said, staring at her in shock. "Yepp! Please? You're not the only one! I'll have Senku wear an outfit too! Please be my model?" She said, clasping her hands together while giving me a pleading face. I sweat-dropped at the look she's giving me. Oh sheesh... just what did I get myself into?

*to be continued*

Love Is Science (Ishigami Senku X Reader) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt