Chapter 96

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Previously on Chapter 95

Senku and I are going to be parents soon. Soon we'll have a child that will complete our little family, and it makes me so happy! I can't wait for the day I'd finally be able to hold our baby in my arms. I'm so excited!

-Endless Pampering-


Now that we're sure that I'm actually pregnant. Senku's even more protective of me. He didn't let me be out of his sight for even half a minute. When we're alone, we would cuddle with his head resting on my stomach as he claims he wants to hear the baby's heartbeat. Just like what he's doing right now.

"You do know that this baby is still not developed yet, Senku... how do you expect to hear their heartbeat?" I asked. My hand run through his hair. Even though his hair is defying gravity, it's still very soft to the touch.

He turn his head to look at me. "Yeah, I know. But I'm not missing a single chance to hear their first heartbeat" he said. I let out a soft giggle at his comment. He place his head back on my stomach, his hand rubbing it softly. "I can't wait to meet this little one. Do you think they're going to be a boy or a girl?" He said.

"I don't care either way. What matters is that our baby will be healthy" I said. He moves his body to be on the same eye-level as me. He place a soft peck on my lips. I smile softly at his gesture as he gently lean his forehead against mine.

"You're right... what matters is that they're gonna be a healthy baby" he said. I smile softly at him and nod my head. He places a kiss on my forehead and move to lay down next to me. He gently pulls me close to his side until my head is rested on his chest.

"Senku... it's noon, you know? Don't you have work to do?" I said. I pull away slightly to look at him. He turn his head to look at me. "I bet everyone's waiting for your next instruction for the ship project" I said. He let out a sigh and move down to nuzzle his face into the crook of my neck.

"I don't feel like going out today... I want to just lay in bed, cuddling with you" he said. I let out a laugh at what he said. He nuzzle his face deeper into the crook of my neck. I squirm a little at his action, because of the ticklish sensation.

"But you can't... we need to focus, remember? If you laze around like this, when will the ship be complete?" I asked. He let out a huffed and pull away to look at me. I smile softly at him. "We can cuddle during night time, okay?" I said.

"Fine..." he said. He moves to sit up, only to lay back down. I furrowed my eyebrow in confusion. "After one more kiss" he said. I open my mouth to say something. But he already places a kiss on my lips. I close my eyes, gently kisses him back. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. "Careful... we don't want to squish the baby" he said.

I smile softly as we pull away from the kiss. He smiles and gently cups my cheek. "Gosh... you're so beautiful. How did I get so lucky?" He said. I feel my cheeks starts to get warmer by his comment.

"Stop with the teasing... off you go" I said, pushing him off me until he's sitting up. He pouts at me, making me laugh at his face. "Go on, Senku! They're all waiting!" I said. He let out a sigh and nod his head. He leans down to place a quick kiss on my forehead, both of my cheeks and finally back on my lips. "Senku... you're stalling" I said, giggling softly. He huffed at my comment as he finally gets up.

I let out a laugh as I let my head drop on the pillow as he grumpily walks out of the hut. I've never seen Senku act like that. Ever since I got pregnant, he's been so clingy. It warms my heart nonetheless, knowing he wants to be close to me and stay by my side along the process of my pregnancy.


I walk towards Senku who's supervising everyone. He has his arms crossed in front of his chest as he makes sure everyone doing the job correctly. I let out a soft giggle as I walk toward him.

"You're got a serious face there, Senku..." I said. He turn his head to the sound of my voice and make eye contact with me. "You might get old faster. Come on... lighten up a little" I said. I use my fingers to try and smooth out his furrowed eyebrows. He just rolls his eyes at what I said, and grab my hands to drop my action.

I hear a yelp and turn my head to see one of them have tripped. He drop a basket filled with some fruits which would be our snack today. My eyes widen as he quickly starts to gather the fallen fruits.

"Are you okay? Here... let me help" I said. I walk over to him to help, when a hand grab my wrist. I stumble a little and nearly fall, when a hand grabs my waist. I turn my head to see Senku.

"I'll help... you stay put" he said, sternly. I let out a huff at what he said. He walks to the man and helps him pick up the fruits. I cross my arms across my chest.

"You've been acting weirder than usual, Senku" I hear someone said. I turn my head to see Ukyo. Senku turn his head to look at him. "I know I'm not just imagining it. You've been acting very protective of Y/N. Well, you always are. But you've been acting more protective than you normally would" he said.

Senku stands up after gathering the fruits. He places his hands on his hips. "Well... of course" he said. He turn to look at me as with a 'can we tell them?' look on his face. I smile softly and just nod my head. He smiles softly at me as he turn to look at the others. "Well... to keep it short. Y/N and I are expecting" he said, while wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Expecting?" Chrome said, furrowing his eyebrows as he looks confused. He turn his head to look at me. His eyes travel down to my belly, before turning to look at me again. "EEHHHH??? For real? You're... you're pregnant, Y/N?" He said, almost screaming it out.

I smile softly and place my hand on my belly. "I am..." I said, nodding my head. Everyone's who're currently working their parts suddenly stops their doing once they heard the confirmation that I'm pregnant.

They instantly rushes over to surround Senku and I. They start to shoot questions at me one after another. Like how do I feel when I first find out, or do I still feel the sickness of early pregnancy. I feel a drop of sweat running down the side of my head.

"Oi!! Cut it out! You're all overwhelming her!" Senku yelled out. His voice is even louder than everyone's, making them flinch. Everyone instantly quieted down and let out a small "sorry" simultaneously. I let out a nervous laugh as I try to assure them it's okay.

I'm shock because Senku never burst like that. This is the first time I heard him yell. He's normally always calm and composed. So I'm surprise to see him burst like that and it's all because he thinks I'm gonna feel overwhelmed by all of their questions. He's worried because it supposedly might stress our baby. Senku is definitely going to be the best father... I just know it.

*to be continued*

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