Chapter 65

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Previously on Chapter 64

"Well, what does it matter? Someone saved me!" He said. I just nod my head. Chrome is saved. That's all that matters. But I can't help but wonder who could helped him. My eyes soften as I though of someone possible. Someone I knew who have a pure and gentle heart. It's you? Wasn't it...


-It's Been A While-


Senku, Gen and I leave the camp to start our own mission. Which is trying to convince the people who sided with Tsukasa to turn sides. I just sit down not far from them, letting them do their thing.

"Hi! I'm Lillian Weinberg! Hey, y'all people of Japan, are you listening? The US has already been restored! Everyone will be saved!" Gen said, in Lillian's voice. I hear the people cheering happily. I kind of feel bad because we are lying to them.

I just stay silent even though I feel so wrong for this action. I know we have to do this if we want to put an end to this war. If possible, without any bloodshed.

Gen smiles mischievously. "That's correct! But it's going to be a while before we, the US military, get there. We'd like to put an end to Tsukasa-kun's destruction of the stone statues. Until then, please cooperate with Senku-kun's plan" he added, once the cheering stops.

You look like you're having fun... I'd like to hear that phone call too someone said. My eyes widened as I instantly recognize the voice. "Ukyo..." I said. Senku and Gen turns to look at me.

"We can't let him hear the record! If he hears it... he can instantly tell its you!" I said, staring at Gen with a worried expression. Senku places a hand on my shoulder. "We don't have a choice anymore, though" he said. I let out a sigh and nod my head.

"Who am I talking to now? This is Lillian Weinberg" He said. The other side of the line is silence for a while. Gen and Senku starts to grow nervous.

Wow... it really is Lillian Weinberg. I would have lost, normally... he said. I furrow my eyebrow. He didn't pick it up? That's so unlike him.

However, there's no vibration in your voice after singing so enthusiastically, which is hard for you to imitate. Gen... he said, in full english.

"Damn it! Not after we've come so far!" Senku said. Gen panicked at what Ukyo just said. "I messed up!" He said. I shake my head at what he said. "No... we haven't failed..." I said. They turn to look at me.

"He spoke in English... which means he didn't want the others to listen" I said. Gen nods his head. "Now that I think about it... I've had my suspicions about Ukyo-Chan's odd behavior. When he found us at the grave site, he chased after us by himself without telling Tsukasa-Chan or anyone else" he said. I smile softly.

"You haven't change, huh... Ukyo. You're still the same person I knew" I said, under my breath. The others didn't hear me because I'm a few feet away from them.

"You were the one who gave chrome that battery, weren't you, Ukyo?" Senku said, which snaps me out of my thought. I can hear a soft chuckle coming from Ukyo.

I'm amazed. You sure do catch on quickly. If you'd come to help Chrome, Senku... you'd be dead. Don't get the wrong idea... I'm not on your side he said. I walk forward and place my hand on Senku's shoulder.

"Let me talk to him..." I said. He turns to look at me. He looks worried and doubtful. I just give him a soft smile. He let out a sigh and moves aside, letting me sit near the speaker cone. I take a deep breath, as an attempt to calm my nerve.

"Hello, Ukyo..." I said, in a soft tone while talking in English. I can hear a soft gasp coming from the other side. Y-Y/N? He said. I just smile. "The one and only" I said. He stays silent after that.

I didn't expect to hear your voice again after so long. Looks like you joined the Kingdom of Science, huh? He said. I just smile softly and shake my head. No... I can't think about that now.

"Yeah... this isn't what I expected either. But I will just get to the point, okay? I don't know what exactly that's on your mind right now. But I know you're not a bad person, Ukyo..." I said.

"Because if you are, you wouldn't have helped our friend. So I know deep down you were still the Ukyo I used to know..." I said. My mind went back to the times I spent with Ukyo. All those happy times we shared.

"I'm not going to beg for you to join our sides. But I do know you want to clear things up, am I right, Ukyo? Isn't that why you have been stalling these whole time. You want to make sure what kind of people we are..." I said. I can hear a soft chuckle from his side.

You always knew me so well, Y/N... I'm impressed. Even after such a long time. You still manage to read me like an open book he said. I just smile softly at what he said.

"Go ahead... ask anything you want. Maybe if you'd understand what we're trying to do... you'd know better about us" I said. He let out a soft chuckle.

I saw your unbelievable secret mission. But if I'm right... this is madness, you people are trying to save all of humanity. With the power of science he said. Senku kneels down next to me.

"We might be able to save everyone, including the people who've been destroyed by Tsukasa, if we put them together like 3D puzzles..." he said. My eyes widened as I realize what mission he gave Yuzuriha.

"You nailed it. Ten billion points for you, Ukyo. And, what? Are you going to rat me out to Tsukasa-Sensei. Including Y/N? I knew about you both. You were past lovers, yes?" He said. My eyes widened in shock, as he suddenly talks about Ukyo and I.

No, Senku... I wouldn't mind cooperating with you. On two conditions... he said. I raise an eyebrow at what he said. He's not the type of person who would give conditions. Now he wants not just one but two.

"Want me to take over, Senku-Chan? Y/N-Chan? Negotiation is a mentalist's job" Gen said. I turn to look at him. I open my mouth to say something, but Senku places a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't have time to beat around the bush. Get to the point. What's your conditions?" Senku said. Gen's eyes widened at what he said. "That's the worse thing you can do in negotiation" he wailed. I can hear Ukyo, laughing nervously.

Okay, fine... my conditions are simple. First, no one can die... he said. My eyes soften at what he said. I knew it... he never change. He's still the same Ukyo I used to know and once loved.

*to be continued*

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