Chapter 17

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Previously on Chapter 16

I clench my hands into tight fists. I don't ever wanna go through that again. I'll protect Senku no matter what it takes. Even if I have to sacrifice myself for him to stay alive... I'll do it.

-Creating A Generator-


I sit by the lake for a while. I've already felt calm. I move to stand up. "Let's head back..." I said. "You already cooled down?" Chrome said. I turn to look at him and nod my head with a soft smile. He nods his head and stands up. We make our way back.

When we get there. I can see Kohaku pointing her knife at Gen. "Wahh! So scary!" He said. I make my way over to them and stand next to Senku. He turns to look at me and smile.

"Have you cooled down?" He said. I turn to him and nod my head. "Yeah..." I said. "That's good to know" he said. He turns to look at Asagiri.

"Don't worry... once you see what I'm making with science. You'll surely want to join the nation of science" he said, taking off his leather clothes. He turns around to climb up the hut.

"Oh, what are you planning on making? I hope you don't plan on impressing me with a sword?" Gen said. Senku stops mid-way and turn to look at him. "A generator" he said. I can see Gen's face turns into a shock one.

"A generator?! At this time?? There's no way you'd be able to pull that off!" He said. I cross my arms. "I suggest you don't underestimate him..." I said, with a cold voice. He turns to look at me and paled when he notice the look on my face. I roll my eyes at him and climb inside the hut too.

Senku is holding Copper in his hand. "We're going to melt this to make some copper wire..." Senku said. "He's not even listening, damn" Chrome said. I let out a laugh at his comment.

"Now, if only we have lightning" Senku said. As soon as he said that, we can hear grumbling of lightning coming from outside. I turn my head to look outside to see the sky is getting dark. I turn to look at Senku to see him visibly panicking. I know exactly why.

"Wow... looks like the sky is on our side!" Kohaku said. "How lucky" Chrome said. Senku snaps out of his shock. "Lucky?? This is worst-case scenario! We haven't even prepared anything yet!" He said. "We better get started then..." I said. Senku nods his head and starts instructing people what to do.

"Lacquer is here!!" Suika said. Lacquer??? But Senku  is allergic to lacquer. Is he seriously going to use that?? I want to ask him, but he seems so busy. I just hope his allergy won't be too bad.

"Lacquer is a crazy good insulator" Senku said. He quickly coats the iron with lacquer. I walk over to him. "Let me coat it. You work something else" I said. He nods his head and rushes towards the bridge and grabs one of the planks. Kohaku quickly quickly carve the wood. As soon as it's ready, Senku pours the molten copper into the carved wood.

Once it's cooled off, Senku wraps it around the iron. I turn my head and notice three people walking up to us on the bridge. I stand up and stare at them.

"Who are they?" I asked. Chrome turns his head and notice the people too. "Oh no... that's Magma. He's not the type to listen" he said. Gen let out a sigh. "I guess I don't have a choice..." he said. He turns to look at Suika and ask her to grab him some flowers.

He walks towards the guys. He offers the flowers to them. The guy name Magma let out a laugh. "You have balls, coming to me to get yourself killed..." he said.

"You're the one who sent this lightning storm too, right?" One of his minion said. "I'm here to stop it and make it disappear..." Gen said. "Just talking your ass off!!" Magma said. "Like this..." Gen said. He flips his hand open. From our view, we can clearly see the flower is behind his hands. But from the front view, the flower is gone.

The short guy is the first to run off, followed by the other one. Magma stares at Gen with a look of hate. In the end, he turns around and walks away. I let out a sigh of relief.


We climb up a mountain. The land on top of it is quite flat. "It's the perfect spot for lightning. There's no better place. Set up the lightning rod, quickly!" Senku said. The lightning is slowly approaching.

"There's no time, Senku!" I said. "Y/N's right. The lightning is approaching" Senku said. "If only there were something long we could shove into the ground" Kohaku said. The two of them turns around and spots Kinro's spear.

"No! Anything but my spear!" Kinro said. "So you do like it~" Ginro said. Kohaku swiftly kicks it out of his hand. She tie the iron that have been coated with lacquer into the end of the spear. Then impaled it on the ground. Right at that moment, lightning strikes it.

"Electricity, born with a bang! This is exhilarating" Senku said, grabbing the iron. Chrome let out a cheer. I turn my head to see Kinro grabbing his spear. He looks so upset.

"Hey, where'd your spear go? It's gone eh?" Ginro said, as he starts to tease his brother. Kinro ended up bonking his head multiple time that there's visible bumps on his head. I let out an awkward laugh at the sight.

"Senku, we may have failed to make the magnets" Kohaku suddenly said. I turn around to look at her. She's trying to put the magnet together. But she's holding it the wrong way, making the two magnet push each other.

"You hold it the wrong way..." I said. Senku walks to her and turns one of the magnet the other way. It instantly pulled together. The others let out a gasp, while I just smile. Strong magnet: acquired.

*to be continued*

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