Chapter 89

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Previously on Chapter 88

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just had a little flashback. About the first day we met..." I said. He just shake his head at what I said. I just smile softly at him. It's moments like these, are the things that I missed the most.

-Capture It In Frame-


Apparently, Ryusui promised Minami to make her something in exchange for the revival fluid she kept. So Senku agreed to help making the object she wants, and of course, I would give a hand too.

"Don't inhale it too much, Y/N. It's not good for your lungs" Senku said, as I stand next to him. He's currently dipping a square disk into the chemical. I just hum softly at what he said. I don't know why he's worried, I have a mask on.

After a few minutes, Senku pulls out the disk from the chemical. The disk now have a reflection. In other words, it's a mirror. Chrome looks surprised when he see himself. Senku makes another one and hands it to me.

"Wow... it's been so long since I last seen a mirror. Never thought I'd miss this" I said. Senku let out a chuckle and gently ruffles my hair. I turn to look at him and smiles. He wrap an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to his side.

"I'm glad you like it..." he said. I turn to look at him and smiles softly. He smiles back. He leans down and gently place a soft kiss on my lips. I close my eyes, returning his kiss.

"Now we just have to make the films, right? So it will be able to capture everything" I said. Senku nods his head at what I said. I grin happily, feeling excited to finally see something that would remind me so much of the modern days.


Senku hands the finished product to Minami. I smile at how happy she looks. "You finally have a camera now, Minami..." I said. She nods her head, while smiling. Her eyes eventually filled up with tears as she kneels down on the ground. She starts to cry tears of joy.

I turn my head to the side and let out a sigh when Senku push up a cart filled with tons of cameras. "You could at least let her have her moment, Senku..." I said. Kohaku nods her head in agreement. Senku just laughs at what I said, making me shake my head. "At least, let Minami capture the first photo" I said.

Senku nods his head as he agrees with me. "Alright... if you say so" he said. I turn to look at Minami. I walk up to her and offers my hand, to help her stand up. I gently pull her up to her feet.

"Go on... you can make Senku your model" I said. I hear my husband's protest behind me. But I just ignore him and grins at Minami. "Make sure to make him look good, okay?" I said. Minami grins and nods her head excitedly. She looks happy to finally have something that she have a passion on.

I turn around to see Senku frowning. I let out a giggle and walks up to him. I cup his cheeks gently. "You're the face of science in this Stone Age, Senku... you're going to be in the history. So we need a picture of you so other people will know about your legacy and determination to restore humanity" I said. He let out a sigh and nod his head.

"Fine... but only because you're the one who asked me to. But please don't make this a habit. You know how I feel about these things" he said, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Alright, alright. Thanks, Senku..." I said. He just give me a small smile. I grin at him and give his cheek a quick peck. I turn to look at Minami and give her a thumbs up, making her smile excitedly.

Throughout the day, Senku starts doing various poses as commanded by Minami. She wants to find the perfect pose for Senku. Since he's the face of science in the new world. The photo should be able to reflect him in a way that it would be memorable.

I burst out laughing when they make him wear a gown. I clutch my stomach as I fall on my knees, wheezing from how much I laughed. Senku turn to look at me and glare. I wipe my tears from my cheeks, still laughing a little.

"You're enjoying this too much, love..." he said. I just grin innocently at him. He tears off the dress and throws it away. "No way I'm wearing that!" He yelled out. I burst out laughing once again.

"You're a man of science, Senku... do a pose that will make that part of you stand out the most. Can't you just come up with something that screams "I am the face of science"?" I said. He place his fingers on his chin as he seem to be thinking about it.

"Now that you said that... I think I know the perfect pose for this" he said. I hum softly and nod my head. I turn to Minami, giving her a nod. She walks up to us with her camera. She points the camera at Senku, motioning him to do the post.

Senku starts to pose. I just let out a giggle. Of course he would choose that pose. I should have known. I can't wait for the photo to be printed out. It's gonna take a while due to the lack of equipment. We don't have the digital printer we had back then, so we have to do it manually.

But Senku didn't want to work on that first. He said he wants to start capturing photos of the landscape. I sulk a little at that. But that's his choice and as his wife I have to be supportive. So I respect his choice.


Senku have returned after a whole day of photographing the whole landscape around here. We're now inside the lab, as Senku starts to work on the solution that will help the photo transferring process.

Senku dip the wooden board into the solution. I stand next to him as I wait eagerly. I'm so excited to have something like photography after such a long time.

Senku slowly pulls out the wooden board from the water. He turns it to face us. I watch in awe as the photo slowly starts to form. This isn't the first time that I witness photo developing process. But it is the first time for me to see a traditional one, since we still don't have photo paper.

The photo is finally completed. I let out a giggle as I take the photo from Senku's hands. I cover my mouth with my free hand and turn to look at Senku.

"Typical... I should have known this is the pose you'd choose" I said. I turn my head to the sight to see Kohaku and Chrome looked confused. I turn the photo to face them.


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"This... is world's best scientist's signature pose. His name is Albert Einstein. He invented a formula that became the base of science..." I said. Chrome's eyes sparkles at my explanation. I smile softly and turn to look at Senku. "And now the whole world will learn them from you, Senku..." I said.

He just let out a soft laugh. He wrap an arm around my waist, pulling me closer. He places a soft kiss on the side of my head. I smile softly at him and turn to admire the photo again. Senku will be the face of science for the new world... and I'm so proud of him.

*to be continued*

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