Chapter 94

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Previously on Chapter 93

"I love you too, Senku..." I said. He pulls me into his embrace. I place my head against his chest, closing my eyes as I listen to his heartbeat. I'm so sorry that I keep making you upset, Senku.

-I Feel Weird-


The next morning comes by like a breeze. I yawn softly as I move to sit up. I turn my head to look next to me to see Senku still sound asleep. I move to lay back down on my side as I admire his sleeping face. He didn't get that much sleep as he's busy with works to make the ship, so we can cross the sea. So, it's rare to see him sleeping so soundly.

I let out a surprised squeak when his arms suddenly went around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest. A smile starts to form on his lips. I hit his chest which makes him chuckle softly.

He tighten his arms around me, pulling me even closer until my body is pressed up against his with no gaps between us. He bury his face into my neck. I let out a hushed giggle because his hair feels ticklish against my skin. But I didn't make a move to pull away. Instead, I wrap my arms around his neck to pull him closer.

He must have notice that I'm feeling a little sensitive. He purposefully blow a soft air on my neck. I let out a little squeal as I squirm because of the ticklish sensation.

"Senku! Cut it out! It tickles!" I whined. My hand went to his mouth to cover his lips from blowing air on my neck. He let out a laugh. He gently grab my hand and remove my hand from his lips. He moves slightly so he's eye to eye to me, his body slightly hovering mine.

"Sorry... I couldn't resists. Your reactions are just so cute, love" he said. I feel myself starting to blush at his comment. He leans down and gently place his lips on mine. I close my eyes as I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I love you..." he whispered, after we pull away from the kiss. He leans his forehead against my shoulder. "Thank you for making my life complete with your presence, Y/N..." he said.

"I love you too, Senku. I'm also thankful to have you in my life" I said, smiling softly at him as I gently caress his cheek with my thumb. He place his hand on top of mine, nuzzling closer to my touch. He tilt his head slightly so he can place a kiss on my palm.

I suddenly starts to feel queasy on my stomach. "Erm... c-can you m-move, Senku?" I asked. His stares at me with a confused gaze. "Move, Senku. Please..." I said, urgently. He didn't say anything and just move off me. I instantly get up and rush out of the hut.

I found a bush and start to hunch forward as I start to throw up. I feel a gentle hand brushing against my neck to remove my hair. I wipe my mouth as I turn my head to see it's Senku.

"What's wrong with you, Y/N?" He asked. I shake my head as I move to sit down. He place his hand on my forehead to check my temperature. "You don't seem sick. So why'd you suddenly starts throwing up? Did you eat something bad yesterday?" He said. 

"I don't know, Senku... I ate what you and the others ate. So it can't be that" I said. I move to sit down. He frowns at what I said. I just stare at him as I thought about any possible reason other than what he just said. I freeze up when I realize something. "Senku... y-you don't t-think I c-could be..." I trailed off.

"Could be what?" He asked. His eyes widening slightly when it finally dawned upon him, as he finally catch on what I'm trying to say. He bit his lips as he stares at me. "It's a possibility, Y/N... you could be pregnant. There is no other way to explain your sudden nausea" he said.

My eyes widen at what he said. I turn my head to look at my belly. I place my hand on it, still a little shock. I mean it's the only answer about this situation, right? Why else would I be throwing up when I don't even eat anything bad?

"Oh my god..." I muttered. I turn my head to look at Senku. Tears swell up in my eyes at the thought of being pregnant. Senku however, his face shows a mixture of emotions. "Are you not happy, Senku?" I asked.

"It's not that, Y/N. Of course I'm happy. I'm gonna be a father to our child. It's just..." he said, trailing off a little. I just stare at him, wondering what he has to say. "We... we don't have advance medical treatment. In the Stone World, pregnancy could be very risky for both you and the baby" he said. It's true what he said. We don't have anything to guarantee both me and this baby's survival during the delivery process.

"It's gonna be okay..." I said, trying to comfort him. I cup his cheeks gently as I turn his head to look at me. He still looks worried. "I have escaped near death. I'm sure that I'll be fine. I'm stronger than you think. The people who are born in the Stone Age, their parents managed to survive the process. I'm sure I will too..." I said. He let out a sigh and wrap his arms around me. He buries his face into the crook of my neck.

"I'll make sure you will. I don't want to lose either of you. I will find every solution I could think off to make sure you survive this process, Y/N" he said, softly as he nuzzle his face into the crook of my neck. I smile softly at what he said.

"I know you will, Senku..." I said. He pulls away from the hug to look at me. I lift my hands to cup his cheeks. "You're the best husband I could ever asks for. I'm sure you'll be the best father too..." I said. He smiles at me as he leans his forehead against mine.

"And that means. I'm gonna have to make sure you won't be doing too much work from now on!" He said. I give him a look. I open my lips to retort, but he's quick to cover my lips with his hand to shut me up. "Ah ah... nope. Not up to discussion" he said, sternly. I just roll my eyes at him. He let out a chuckle and remove his hand from my lips, pecking it softly.

"You're too bossy sometimes, Senku..." I said. He flick my forehead gently making me flinch. "What's that for?" I asked.

"For your comment, what else? And you know I'm not letting you work because there could be a baby in you. Our baby. So I have to make sure you're both healthy and well" he said. I yelp when he stands up with me in his arms. It never cease to surprise me. Senku... who could barely lift a jar by himself can actually carry me.

"But we're both yet to be sure about me being pregnant, Senku. We gonna have to wait until my stomach actually shows the sign of pregnancy" I said, rolling my eyes at what he said. I flinch when he softly bit my cheek. "Why did you do that?" I asked.

"For safety purposes. I'm not gonna let you do a single work" he said. I let out a sigh and nod my head. I place my head on his chest as he carries me back to our hut. I know I can't argue with Senku when his had his mind is set on something.

If it's not him that'll make sure, he'd gonna make others watch me, so I don't lift a finger to do any work. That's how much of a protective guy he is. But I'm happy nonetheless, because that means he loves me. He's truly the best husband I could ask for.

*to be continued*

A/N: ooooh~ there's a chance that Y/N could be pregnant. How do you think the others would react?

Sorry for the long wait. I have to rewatch the anime to keep track of the storyline, and I need to find the time to do that. But I will continue this book the best I can. Stay tune~

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