Chapter 76

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Previously on Chapter 75

"If... after they have a talk. If Y/N realizes she still loves Ukyo. Then I'll do what I have to do..." I said. I turn to look at him as he waits for me to say it. I give him a pained smile, as I try to fight the tears in my eyes.

I'll let her go...

-Reminiscing Our Past-


Neither of us said a word to each other for a while. I just stare at the ceiling above me. I don't know what to say, or what to do. The silence is so awkward right now.

"Y/N..." Ukyo said, breaking the silence. I turn to look at him. "Yeah?" I said. He bit his lips, while keeping his head down. I notice how he exhale a sharp breath.

He turns his head to look at me, and smiles softly at me. "Do you remember.. the first day we met?" He asked. I blink my eyes and nod my head. "Yeah. Of course... how could I forget? You caught me on the night where I was about to kill someone..." I said. My mind went back to that night.


I stand in front of a bloodied man. It was raining heavily that night with constant sound of thunders. Which camouflaged the sound of cry from the man in front of me. A long and very sharp katana is clutched in my hand.

"P-Please s-spare me!" The man pleaded for his life, while staring at me with fear reflecting in his eyes. I could feel my hands shaking violently, as I lifted the hand that was holding the katana.

"Stop!!" Someone yelled. I dropped my hand and turned my head. I could see a silhouette of a guy. The guy runs towards me and the first thing I notice about him was his white hair. He ran and stood in front of the trembling man.

"Don't kill him!" He said, standing protectively in front of the man. "Move aside! This doesn't concern you..." I said, coldly. He shakes his head. "Kill me instead!" He said. My eyebrows furrow at what he just said.

"Why... why are you sacrificing yourself for a man you don't know?! Are you not scared to die!" I yelled at him. I notice his body shaking. My eyes widened as I realized he's actually afraid.

"I am scared... b-but I don't want t-to see someone die. Why is it so easy for you to take someone's life?" He said. My eyes soften at what he said. I bit my lips as I look down as my tears start to fall from my eyes, mixing itself with the rain.

"I... I don't have a choice..." I said, my voice cracked slightly. "Everyone have a choice!" He said. "No! Y-You don't u-understand! I-I have to do t-this... I have to be an assassin!" I said. "Why?!" He yelled.

"They're gonna kill my brother if I don't do as they said!" I yelled. My katana slipped out of my grip, falling on the ground with a clank. I fall on my knees as I started to cry.

"I never asked for this... I... I-I never w-wanted to be an assassin. But I don't have a choice..." I cried out. My hands on the ground. My whole body start to tremble violently.

I feel hands on my shoulders. I look up to see the guy's face. The first thing I notice about him are his eyes, they're the color of green.

"I understand... but you have to fight back. No one can force you to do this. Think about your brother. Did he want this?" He said. I shake my head. My brother always begged me to stop... and to just let them kill him. But because he's the only family I had left. I couldn't let him die.

End of Flashback

"You were the one who gave me the courage. You're the one who taught me how to be brave. So brave that I'm able fight those people. Even though, I have to lose my brother in the process. I realized that's what he would've wanted..." I said. I smile painfully at the thought of my deceased brother.

"After his death... you stood by my side. You became my rock and my strength. You supported me and help me rise. You taught me how to be a normal girl" I said. I turn to look at Ukyo, who smiles at me.

"Yeah... we were inseparable back then" he said. I smile and nod my head. "Yeah... we're always close to each other. Until eventually, we fall in love with each other" I said. By this time, Ukyo is sitting next to me.

"I was a nervous wreck when I want to confess my feelings for you... you have no idea how happy I was when you said yes to my proposal" he said. I smile as I recall the happiness in his eyes. My smile turn into a frown.

"We promised each other forever... but then you left without a word. I waited for you. Minutes... days... months... years. But you never came back. Until I finally accepted the fact that you'd never come back" I said.

He looks down. His whole body starts to shake and I notice his tears flowing down his cheeks. He hunch forward until his forehead is pressing on the bed next to me.

"I-I'm s-so sorry, Y/N... I'm so sorry" he cried out. I just stare at him. "Why... why did you leave me?" I asked, my own tears starts to fall from my eyes. He starts to sob louder.

"I just... w-we rarely h-have time for e-each other. I had to work as a sonar man and you were a student. I don't know when's the next time I'll be on land as I spent most of the time on the sea. Which is unfair for you. I w-w-wanted you to have s-s-s-someone who's always there for you. Someone you can rely on. I'm so sorry I was a coward. I c-can't g-gather up t-the courage to come b-back to you... so I stayed away. I-I'm so... s-so sorry, Y/N..." he said, as he starts to cry harder.

"Ukyo..." I said, in a soft voice. I lift my hand. I let it hover above his head for a few seconds. I bit my lips and let out a sigh. I gently place my hand on top of his head. He flinched and move his head to look at me.

"I... I forgive you..." I said, smiling softly at him. I open my arms, inviting him for a hug. He choke out a sob and place himself on the bed, wrapping his arms around my waist. He make sure to avoid my wound. I wrap my arms around his shoulders. He buries his face into the crook of my neck as he start to cry even more.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, Y/N. I'm sorry..." he keeps repeating his words. I run my hand through his hair softly. My heart tightens against my chest. Now that I know his reason, I can't help but feel his pain.

He just wanted what's best for me. He's in as much pain as I was. I feel tears of my own slowly streams down my cheeks. Now I'm even more confused of my own feelings. What should I do now?

*to be continued*

A/N: anyone's crying here? Because I am... and I'm the one writing this! Well... that's just me. I'm known to my fandom to write a really sad chapter. Did anyone prepare tissue? Sooo... now that Y/N finally knew why Ukyo left her. What will happen next?

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