Chapter 98

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Perviously on Chapter 97

We pull away from the kiss after a while. I place my head on his chest once again. "Sleep well, my world..."he whispered, placing a soft kiss on the side of my head. I close my eyes as he continue to play with my hair. His gentle action lured me deeper into a deep slumber.

-The Time Has Come-


Time has passed, I'm about 9 months pregnant. Which means, my baby would come anytime. I'm nervous to give birth. Without any anesthesia that'll help lessen the pain it would mean that the pain would be excruciating. But it's a sacrifice I'm willing to take because after the pain, I would be able to hold my baby in my arms.

As the day of delivery could come any day, Senku is becoming more restless and he refuses to let me out of his sight. He wants to make sure he'd be near me when I show the signs of giving birth. He became even more alerted. By 'alerted'... I meant paranoid.

A single sound coming from my mouth, he'd be by my side in an instant asking if I was alright even if it's just a small sneeze or a simple yawn. But I can't blame him, since this is our first child. So he just wants to make sure the two of us are doing alright.

I'm sitting on the wooden stump. Senku has made me another music instrument. This time it's a traditional instrument originated from China. Back in the day, it's called an erhu. I was so excited because it was one of my favorite instrument besides the guitar. I adjust the string and starts to play a soft piece.

(Elliot Tordo - Inuyasha's Theme 'To Love's End') 

I turn my head slightly to see everyone is gathering as they closes their eyes, seeming like they're enjoying the piece. I smile softly and close my eyes to bring out more emotion while playing the piece. The sound produce by an erhu is truly soothing. It's the best instrument to play when trying to help someone relax from their stresses. Even help them sleep when they have the difficulties to.

Soon the piece comes to an end. I turn my head to look at the others to see them staring at me in awe. "What's that instrument called, Y/N-Nee?" Suika said. I turn my head to look at her as she eyed the instrument in my hands with a look of pure curiosity.

"This one is called an erhu. Back in the day, this music instrument came from China. Oh right, back in modern days, there are a lot of other countries. The country we're all in right now is known as Japan..." I said. I continue to explain the origin of erhu.

Everyone stays silent as they listen intently to my explanation. They all look so interested, which makes me feel a sense of happiness. I'm glad that they're all interested in learning about music. This is crucial for them to be interested, if we want to bring back music.

I wince in pain. I hold my pregnant belly, while feeling something running down my thigh. I look down to see a wet substance. I let out a shaky gasp as my eyes widen in realization.

"Senku! I think... I think my water just broke!" I said. Senku's eyes widen as he rushes over to me. He kneels down next to me to inspect the substance. I let out a pained cry.

"You're right... you're going to give birth" he said. He turned his head to look at the others. "Ruri! Kohaku! Go on and prepare everything needed for Y/N to give birth! I need someone who can help me be a midwife to help her too! Someone help me get clean water!" He yelled out.

Everyone instantly scrambled off to prepare all the things he had asked for. Senku turn to look at me. "Hang in there love... everything will be okay" he said, placing his hand behind my knees and on my back.


I cry out in pain as I try to push the baby out of me. Next to me is Senku, who lets me hold onto his hand in a firm dead grip. He didn't seem to mind that I nearly breaks his hand from how tight my grip is. Using his free hand, he would wipe the sweat from my forehead every now and then. He whispers soft encouraging words into my ear to give me comfort.

A sound of cry can be heard in the hut. I breathe heavily as I let my head fall back onto the pillow. I stare tiredly around the ceiling as I try to catch my breath.

"You're doing a wonderful job, Y/N. Our baby is finally here..." Senku said. I turn my head to look at him and smiles softly. He leans down, placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

Ruri walks over to us, holding a small bundle in her arms. She has a soft smile as she turn to look at me. "You both have a healthy baby boy, Senku-San. Y/N-Chan" she said. She gently laid the baby in my arms, making me smile softly as I stare at my newly born baby.

"Hey, little one... it's me. Your mother..." I said, cooing softly as I hold him close. I turn to look at Senku who's watching us with a smile on his face. "And that's your father. Welcome to the world, little one..." I said. Senku smiles and places a side kiss on our baby's head. "So... what should we name him, Senku?" I asked.

"Hmm... I'm thinking. Byakuya. In honor of my father. What do you think?" He said. I smile softly and nod my head, in agreement. I yawn softly from exhaustion, my eyes starts to get droopy too. "Get some rest, Y/N... it's okay. Once again, thank you for this wonderful gift..." he said. I smile softly at him. He gently pick up our baby in his arms. I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.

Senku P.O.V

I turn my head to look at Ruri. "Congratulation for the birth of your son, Senku-San. I'm sure you and Y/N-Chan will be an amazing family now that you have a child as prove of your love for each other" she said. I just nod my head at what she said. I turn my head to look at Y/N who has fallen asleep. I smile softly as I turn my head to look at little Byakuya.

"Byakuya... welcome to the world, my son" I said. I lean down and place soft kiss on his forehead. He squirms a little and a small smile forms on his lips, making me let out a soft chuckle. I turn my head to look at Y/N. I smile softly as her breathing becomes steady after fighting for her life to deliver our child.

I lay Byakuya down next to Y/N and lay down too. I stare at Byakuya for a while and turn to look at Y/N. I smile softly as I reach over above Byakuya's head to cup her cheek.

"Thank you, Y/N... thank you for completing my life with your presence and now our child" I said. They're truly my most valuable treasures. I yawn softly, feeling sleepy. I close my eyes, placing a gentle hand on top of Byakuya's belly. My breathing evened out as I drift off to sleep.

*to be continued*

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