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the apocalypse

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the apocalypse

SCARLETT NEVER DID AGREE WITH HER UNCLE'S BELIEFS WHEN IT CAME TO DEALING WITH THE WALKERS. It was something she gave him looks about often, but the looks did nothing to change his mind. She did not expect them to.

When Shawn was killed, Scarlett found out from Maggie that as soon as they left, a broadcast was issued putting the entire world in emergency lockdown. A disease had taken over, and people were coming back to life and eating each other. The disease was terrible and it attacked quickly once bit or scratched.

The farm went on lockdown with Hershel in charge. Patricia and Otis stayed with them instead of trying to make it home alone. Jimmy had been over to see Beth, and Hershel refused to let him off on his own to find his parents.

Annette died when Shawn turned.

She had been cleaning his wound when his breathing stopped and his eyes opened a grey color. It was instant that he took a bite from her neck. Scarlett had tried to kill them both when both turned, but Hershel made her promise not to kill anyone they put in the barn.

He knew he couldn't stop her from killing when she went on runs to town or hunting with Otis, but the people in the barn were Hershel's friends and family. He could not believe they were dead. He believed there was a cure.

Scarlett took care of Beth and Maggie as if her life depended on it after the world ended. She made sure they were fed by hunting more than anything. She let Maggie come on runs sometimes, but she never let her kill a walker. She did not want anyone to feel what she felt that first time she had killed one.

It was a month after the virus began spreading, Scarlett decided to go on a run while Otis went hunting. She kept her backpack packed and ready at all times, so she grabbed it and put it on her back.

"Where are you going today?" Hershel asked her as she made it inside of the kitchen. Patricia was boiling water while smiling slightly at the girl.

Scarlett took out a map of the town and pointed at the pharmacy and police station.

"That'll be tricky. It might already have been cleared," Hershel told her.

She shrugged, rolling up the map.

"Just be careful," Hershel finished, placing a hand on hers. She squeezed his, nodding at Patricia before heading out to her truck.

Whistling, she caught the attention of Maggie and Beth, the pair doing laundry. She motioned her head to the gate. Maggie ran over to open it for her.

"Be safe," Maggie mumbled.

Scarlett nodded, starting the truck and driving off. She left the window open so the nice breeze blew in. Their farm was a good ways from the town, so she did not expect to catch to much trouble on the ride in and out of town. In town, she was not sure what to expect.

She slowed the vehicle as she got closer to town, seeing a few walkers roaming. She cringed as she rolled over a foot that was torn off. Gross.

She thought about catching the police station first. Guns and ammo were a priority. She had already been down here a few times, and she had not caught trouble. She was not sure how lucky she'd get.

Putting the truck in park, she took out the keys and hopped down. Her boots crunched on the leaves as she wielded a gas can. She saw a vehicle that was torn through, but the gas cap was still on.

Siphoning some gas from it got her truck back to full, which she was happy about. After making sure her truck was locked, she kept a hold on a hunting knife she took from Otis.

Groans from inside the station had her heart hammering.

No one may have cleaned it out yet because they were too scared to fight the walkers. She knew this would be good for her.

Opening the door, she hurried to back away as the walkers piled out one by one. She recognized two of the three. Taking a stab at one, she felt another grab her shirt. She kicked it off of her, stabbing it in the head. Finally, she threw the knife and got the last one in the eye.

Huffing out a breath because of the close call, she yanked out her knife and went into stealth mode. She was crouched as she walked inside of the station. A few bodies were strewn out with a bullet in their heads. Shaking her head, she went straight into the back room.

Taking the keys off a desk, she opened the cabinet where all the firearms were kept. She smiled at the victory of finding the cabinet still full.

Grabbing a duffle bag, she filled up the bag with the guns and anmo, finding ammo for her Python too. She did a small happy dance at that.

Biting her lip, she wondered if there were any other weapons.

Before she could think of anywhere else to check, she heard a groan of a walker.

Time to go.

Scar hustled out of the station, unlocking her truck from afar and tossing the bag on her backseat. She glanced at the pharmacy and knew she should check, but it was getting late and she did not want to leave the guns unattended. Making up her mind quickly, she jumped into the truck and got the hell out of dodge.

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